Sat down to enjoy the episode only to find that BBC Scotland decided to show some awful bands at T-In The Park instead of Top Gear.
Just took a look at the line-up and I must say there's some pretty good bands there!
But I'm sorry you couldn't watch top gear. I could, at BBC err... Well... UK. From the Netherlands.
Eitherway, laughed my pants of. It was hilarious!
I loved the way the 8C looked. Usually not into fast looking cars (I love the Citro?n Visa and Renault 5, nuff said), but this was true Italian beauty. Great!
The news: I'm sure they showed pr0n again, given the reaction of the Audience. The "pure pornography" car was, in my opinion, done afterwards by montage.
The race rocked! Great fun with those 'stupid' japanese.
Didn't like the car. I don't like Japanese cars. Cars with soul come from europe. Got to be careful there, since I drive a Vauxhall Astra. Not even for practical reasons, I really love that car ;D.
Best episode of this series, by kilometres! (yah, metric).
Wonder what's coming next.
I'll be watching this one again, this friday ;D.
That's good about living in The Netherlands
- Fresh Top gear on Sunday at 9pm
- Really old top gear at a channel called "Veronica"on friday at 9pm
- Immediately after that a repeat of the latest top gear
- Fresh Top Gear on Sunday at 9pm
Top Gear Weekend, Yeah ;D
Edit: I forgot. SIARPC wasn't that good. They were quite fun, but I really didn't like their girly attitude. Blah. Drove rather well, though
I just don't get how people don't get that ;D