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[12x04] November 23rd, 2008

it is correct, you heard not the original BBC broadcast, but a repeat or something put online, they both use different music then the original broad cast. this is because of licensiung issues.
we list only the original broadcsast versions.

the majority of the music in replaced episodes comes from www.extrememusic.com
The very first track is definetely NOT Jeffrey Taylor & Ned Rifle - Opening. Just listen THIS

starting on 0:26. It's two absolutely different tracks! PLEASE, who knows the REAL name of track, RESPONSE! THX
16:34 - 16:35 - Flavio Lemelle - Remains Unsolved
44:16 - 44:17 - David Fisher - Bad Dreams
44:17 - 44:19 - Joseph Saba & Stewart Winter - Eventophile
The song that plays on the YouTube version of the Zonda F vs Veyron video during the intro when James drives the Panda and later when the Veyron comes into view, seems to be: Mike Stobbie - Angeline.

Now it says this song was released in April 2024, so I don't know if this is the actual song they used back in 2008 or what, but it seems to be the song we're looking for.
The song that plays on the YouTube version of the Zonda F vs Veyron video during the intro when James drives the Panda and later when the Veyron comes into view, seems to be: Mike Stobbie - Angeline.

Now it says this song was released in April 2024, so I don't know if this is the actual song they used back in 2008 or what, but it seems to be the song we're looking for.

Mike Stobbie fundraiser

Mike Stobbie fundraiser
I wasn't expecting a quick reply like that! So it's from 2001 then. That sounds like our song.
That's a really horrible thing to happen to someone. My best wishes to Mike!