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[13x05] July 19th, 2009

[13x05] July 19th, 2009

  • Total voters


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
I was waiting for the XFR.
No MX5?
Hit him in the bollocks. :lol:
No 'ring?
Series 4 esque challenge... brilliant. :cool:
James gets better every week, he doesn't give a fuck. :D
Great Jag review.
Carbon dioxide bit... beyond pointless.
Marina!!! :lol:
Coq, merde, norks, Les bien. :lol:
'James special friend.'
"What is this shit-box?"
Nice ending. :lol:
By God that XFR is one gorgeous looking car.
Good news this week, siarpc was sexeh, good review on Jaguar, good sound track, especially the Floyd and Bowie. Ice race was a bit meh. Overall 8/10
I loved it!!

It was childish in a brilliant way.

The innuendos, the challenge, the Marina, the ending, the Jaaaaaag review, the Hammond/Jezza bashing, "Oliver Penis" ranting about the lads.

The carbon dioxide bit was a bit hit and miss, but I was surprised to find Sienna Miller to be a pretty good guest. A breath of fresh air.

Her lap was something else! I really thought she would have gotten a quicker time than that!!

I really liked this episode, XFR vs M5 was great, the cheap RWD car challenge was very good, loved the decals on the cars again :p merde,... Sienna was a great (read sexy) guest IMHO not boring at all! :D James was very funny, as ever.
Jeremy's failure with the tomato plants, priceless, how they talked about the Jaaag :'D

Enjoyable episode, probably the best of the series so far!

One thing, who won the cheap car challenge? Scoreboard? 300ZX was win though..
Really enjoyed this one, probably my favourite of the series so far, the road trip / ice racing in VT was great (all be it a shame the Capri didnt make it.)
Was planing to drive that track last time I was out there, but the snow was much too good to miss the skiing!

Jaaaag was fantastic, and Sienna Miller surprised me by being quite interesting.

Shame there's only one more episode left.....
I honestly enjoyed that episode, thought it was one of the good 'uns so far. I enjoyed the cheap car challenge, quite funny in places, the slogans on the cars we're good too. News was good, Jaaaag review was good, nice to see a British car being compared to the M5. The green house gas thing was a bit out of the blue, but still funny. Jeremy's box idea seems to have a few probelms...SIARPC was good, I enjoyed it she seemed quite pretty, never heard of her before though. But definately was quite good, she did incredibley well for someone passing her English driving test only last week. Was very impressed. :thumbup:

I'm guessing the Marina club won't be too pleased :p

I'd say 9/10 I don't think there was segment I didn't enjoy. As per usual I'll watch it again tommorrow and my opinions may change.
Best episode this season.

Part 1 of RWD cheap cars was nice, and you just have to love Stig's Drift car.

The news was nice, god that JAAAAGGGG is good looking, saw it in TG magazine NL this week, but that interior is so nice. Also the news had some very funny parts, loved it.

Jag XFR reviev was a bit 'weird', but it was made up with the gorgeous XFR.

The green house gasses green house was funny, and I have to be honest, I like the idea. Even though it's ambitious but rubbish.

SIARPC was better then normal, but this season has seen better. But misses Miller was nice to look at and funny as well.

Part 2 of RWD cheap cars was truly great. I loved Panis. And even though you could see the piano coming falling down a long time, it was funny never the less.

All in all a very good episode, when it ended I really felt sad that it already ended and could not wait for next week.

I give it a 9,2/10 making it (by far) my best of this season and putting it in my all-time top 10.
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I loved it!!

It was childish in a brilliant way.

The innuendos, the challenge, the Marina, the ending, the Jaaaaaag review, the Hammond/Jezza bashing, "Oliver Penis" ranting about the lads.

The carbon dioxide bit was a bit hit and miss, but I was surprised to find Sienna Miller to be a pretty good guest. A breath of fresh air. See what she did there?

Her lap was something else! I really thought she would have gotten a quicker time than that!!


What she said. Saves me some carpal tunnel.
Great stuff this week. Don't get Hammond's hate for the Capri Injection though, and I always thought the 300zx was 4wd for some reason.
Really enjoyed this one, probably my favourite of the series so far, the road trip / ice racing in VT was great (all be it a shame the Capri didnt make it.)
Was planing to drive that track last time I was out there, but the snow was much too good to miss the skiing!

Jaaaag was fantastic, and Sienna Miller surprised me by being quite interesting.

Shame there's only one more episode left

I thought there were 2???!!:blink:
It's a shame they didn't show Sienna's practice lap, especially at Gambon corner ;-)
I thought it was OK, but only because Im comparing the ?1500 car challenge to other similar challenges which in my opinion, were better. BUT, all of the humour and classic Top Gear puns and jokes just lifted it that little bit and although unintended, James slip up during the news made me laugh and miss the next section of the episode :lol:

7/10 :)

EDIT: Id have voted 7.5 but that isnt possible. I wanna vote 8 but I already pressed 7 :(
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I gave this episode a 8. I really liked the challenge, the morris being crashed by a piano again alone made this episode. i lol'd very hard to JC throwing RH's roof into the river :lol:

My god that XFR looks good.
The greenhouse bit was pointless, yet funny.
Sienna Miller, 200000000% better than the last two guests who were on.
First part of the cheap car challenge was a teeny bit dull, but brought back good memories of the Cheap Porsches challenge.

News was funny, and also about cars, which makes a change. Appreciated the new XJ chat, maybe a TG bloke read the thread here?

I loved the XFR. Utterly fantabulous Jaaaag. Made me proud to be British and all that.
CO2 bit made me chuckle, and they are indeed on to something. I've always wondered why nobody had attached a rebreather-esque piece of equipment to a car before.

Sienna Miller was a good guest actually, even if she had to plug her film a bit. Evidently you-know-who had a busy schedule and wasn't on this week...

Second part of the challenge was much better than the first, but it's a shame that Capri died. Always liked those in an Eighties way.

The Marina ought to have found it's way over the same cliff as Hammond's sunroof after the race, though. lol'd at the wipers on the side windows of the ice-cars, and Panis's appreciation of the Marina.

Felt like TG from the good old days of Series 4-7, but the scripting is still a bit heavily done.

Edit: g-man, were you in the audience?
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