Wow there are some clever persons on here
Plissken, are you pissed offthat
wikkedsnaab got the latest marina gif before you?
Hahah it took me about a dozen attempts to get that bloody GIF together and get it under 100kB.. how come some people here have ones that are 200-300kB in size? (c'mon I feel like there's some super-secret conspiracy going on around me!... lol)
There is a whole other argument that growing crops to make fuel takes away from land to grow food crops and leads to people starving. But that's anothing thing.
Yeah, annoying hippies are saying that. It's mostly due to the inefficient US farming practices which used to produce a glut of corn which they started using to make ethanol through basic sugar distillation and then the corn became valuable and the price went up significantly and now Mexicans can't afford tortillas or doritos or something. So now sad sexless freaks who ride the bus or old style bicycles with trouser clips think that biofuel production means that we're going to stop growing food to feed our cars instead.
The actual truth of the matter is that through cellulostic ethanol production you can use ANY plant as a feedstock, so instead of growing traditional crops which need highly arable land and lots of water, you can grow hardy, desert plants like Switchgrass in more marginal soils. For places like Australia - which has vasts tracts of sub-arable land that's slowly turning into desert after years of drought and bad farming practices - this would be a boon. Not only can such plants be grown and be worth something, but they also help hold the soil together, preventing erosion, and keep the salt table down too.
There are a few species of desert tree that produce copious amounts of oily seed which are suitable for biodiesel/SVO production. Someone also mentioned BD from algae... that's also looking really promising, and takes up no arable land at all - in fact a hot, sunny desert is the best place.
Except for the Marina getting crushed i did not feel any scriptedness during the challenge...
That wasn't scripted... it was divine intervention!
Imagine if Top Gear bought a significant number of those remaining Marinas (ideally all 700, er, I mean, 697 of them, but let's be realistic and say 20), lined up them up in a row then crushed each one with a piano in front of some Marina club members tricked into coming along... it would be like when Homer bought a copy of Batman comic #1 then ate it page by page for Mr Burns' amusement, and poor Comic Book Guy's just there freaking out and having a coronary.
It would hilarious. Cruel, yes, but hilarious, and really, that's all that matters. Especially in this economy.
** Addition 24/7/2009 **
Someone neg rep'd me on this, presumably on the biodiesel or Marina comment. It's my first neg rep so needless to say I'm in shock and not taking it very well, but I thought everyone should know there is either a hippy or a Marina-driving communist loose on the forum, so everyone, please ensure all your valuables are kept out of sight.