well it's already been said here many times, but that ending was somewhat unsettling and it made me think
Great! Finally, someone who got the point of the piece! I myself often wonder what will happen if all this legislation keeps sinking the car industry. There has always been a small group of people who believe that the car is the pinnacle of the downfall of society and that cars signal death for us all by way of speed, injury, pollution and fun. Thankfully, these people have always remained on the sidelines. No one ever really
listened to them. Well, they'd listen, just to be polite, and then manufacturers would go and put a 6.3 litre V8 in a plodding saloon car with a Baby Killer Chrome Grille up front and a swing axle in the back.
But now, these people are being listened to by a majority of the public. And when that happens, politicians start weighing into things and when
they do
that everything goes
I remember a few years ago we were all told that the worlds ice was all melting and that cars were to blame. Soon, we'd all be up to our ankles in murky, green
shit if we didn't all go back to rinding horses and fucking our cousins. The 'turing point'. The 'point of no return'. Don't think, don't wait for evidence; Just act!
Blindly! In a big panic!
Now! I was one of the very few people who saw that this was all a load of bullshit. Right from the get-go. I have huge bragging rights! It's like if you've seen the Beastie Boys live... back when there was a girl in the band.
You're so fucking cool!
Thank you, I know, I am cool.
I'm cool because the globe didn't warm to
it's been years now and were still hearing the same shit; If we don't act within three years, ooh, this and that.
Nothing is happening!!
Still, it's all very trendy and emo wankers want to buy a low pollution whateverthefuck Blue Tec god damn diesel piece of Hybrid
shit.... Just to look trendy.
It's not looking good right now and-hey wait, I just noticed that there's more to your post:
what the hell would I do without my top gear!?
gives a shit? The cars in the show are infinitely more important and significant than the show itself! You're all supposed to be asking yourselves "what would I do if they stopped making V12 nut-job crazy-as-fuck cars?"
See, this is what happens when you turn the show into a steaming pile of shit for morons to laugh at; Huge numbers of people tuning in who have no interest in cars at all and miss the point of the first serious piece in 5 seasons.
You people make me