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[14x02] November 22nd, 2009

[14x02] November 22nd, 2009

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I thought a lot of the scripted jokes were forced and unbelievable. When things go right, they go REALLY right (James's fizzing prostate, green Stig dying of smoke, etc.) but when they fail they fail hard (dropping the body on the chassis when taking it apart... sorry, I'm not buying it).

I dunno, on a laugh factor, it only gets about a 3 from me. Last season they did an excellent job of sacrificing some laughs in favor of epic cinematography, and that was quite nice. After the helo pilot with a death wish last week, I thought we were in for more of that with this season, but this ep was a letdown.

Oh well, lots of room for improvement, right?
For all those wondering who the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car was it might be helpful to remember that he was in a few small films that went by the title Underworld. You know the ones with Kate Beckinsale in tight leather?
SIARPC - After the last few I thought they had got this feature back on track, getting people who actually like cars on again. But now it seems we're back to some 'celebrity' who I've never heard of that clearly isnt a car fan.
I still think there is room for the odd guest, who isn't a massive car fan, but is mental behind a wheel, to have the oppertunity to post a decent Top Gear lap-time. Mr Sheen is up there with the lushious Jennifer, both mental behind the wheel, two contrasting car fans.

SIARPC is hi-score table for celebs. I still like that idea.

As for the episode, it ranks a good one for having me laughing at the stupid bits. Killing The Green Stig and the semi-serious attempt at the electric car was amusing. Just watched the Autocar review video and it's still lol. Motorway without helmets, lol. Health n Safety backlog must only be analysing season 4 by now :)

As for driving, salutes go out to The Stig for trying to tame the Corvette. Looks like a beast compared to the relativly auto-pilot R8. What was that ? Left-hand drive only ? :(
This episode was quite poor.
Test of Audi R8 was ok, news was ok but I thought the sexual joke was out of place somewhat.
Electric car bit was a letdown tbh.

I'll score this one at 4/10
8 from me
first part of the electric car bit was a bit lame, i was expecting more of footage from building the car and less footage "oh, look at us, we are making traffic jams"
the rest of the show was hilarious and awesome :)
I laughed hard at the Corvette bit... It's disintegrating already, I'm being strangled by my own seatbelt! hahaha
I'd really liked the guys to try and get enough old cellphones and worn out laptops (who hadn't donated one) to have as much batteries as the tesla. Fitted into two black boxes (front and rear) so it has no boot on either side. Then make it a mid-engined car with no weight in the middle but all on front and back end. And of course a little solar panel on the roof. So it has all disadvantages a car can have. But because of it's mildly sheer power it could have beaten the prius in the drag race. And lost on the track...

"Oh, no - we are down on memory-effect... again..." "Shall we call it the Alzheimer's Car?"

Having 500 ringtones at the same time: "Did you actually put the batteries out of the phones?" "No, i just put them in a box and wired them!"

"The panel on the roof, how long will it take it to bring us into power?" "About a thousand years... without winter!"

That's just my two pennies for the electric car bit.

Liked the show, though.
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I thought this one better than last week's, so I bumped it up a notch to a 9. I certainly laughed out loud more this week.

I do agree that some of the gags were too recycled. Like spicysaurus, I knew they'd drop the TVR's chassis on the frame as they backed it away. And I was not surprised the car caused a massive traffic jam in the middle of Oxford.

I do love watching the disasters that are the build process, so I would have happily replaced a few minutes of them in Oxford blocking traffic to see more of the build process. It's one of my complaints with Top Gear Australia - they don't show the build.

I thought Sheen was a solid SIARPC and I found The News segment hilarious, if a bit disturbing. Milbrook Proving Grounds is always good for laughs and that was the case here, as well, IMO. And Green Stig was a nice touch.
Geoff was dumb, unfunny and overly scripted.

R8 and Vette was classically pretty, but overly pointless.

News was spotty funny, but not a knock out.

5/10 from me, again.
Loved it. Geoff had me:rofl: scripted or otherwise. First 10/10 I've given in a while, probably two or three seasons.
Lol at the green birkenstig.

Geoff was ok, but not one of the best. I really honestly do think I could build a better car than that.

ZR1 vs. R8 V10 saved the episode for me.
The first part of Geoff turned me off for most of the episode. Interest came back after the R8 vs ZR1. The second part of Geoff wasn't bad, especially the testing at MIRA.

Being generous with a 7/10.
I hated Geoff. Worst piece of Top Gear in years.
The crashtest bits, especially the slowmotion part had me in stitches! Fantastically hilarious :D

I though the first half of the electric car bit was decent, but the second part was great! Very entertaining indeed :D

The R8 vs Corvette review was pretty good too, I would be seriously in doubt if I had to choose between the two.. Though I'd probably end up with the Audi :p

And Michael Sheen was pretty good too. His lap was very... Enthusiastic might be the right word :p

I enjoyed the episode last week more, but this wasn't bad at all. I laughed more in this one, but that's not always a fair measure :p
Great episode. SIARPC was enjoyable, despite me having not knowing anything about the actor. The electric car segment was well done (despite being heavily/obviously scripted), especially the testing bits. Green Stig in birks FTW! I wouldn't have minded if they spent a bit more time on the R8 vs. ZR1, but I enjoyed the segment just the same. They need to ease up on their use of camera filters during the comparison.
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