I had a really lengthy post finished up, than for some reason it insisted I wasn't logged in, so your getting a much shorter, and frustrated response.
The lot of you need to lighten up, I've always preferred to lurk here but the constant complaining finally got the better of me. Please everyone understand this.
you are not the majority of their fanbase, the group here, who are proper car enthusiasts, more than likely don't even add up to a meaningful portion of the viewers
What I mean by that is, they have to pander to the crowd that wants the crashes. But what's puzzling is you're complaining about the r8 vs 911 review because it was an obvious choice to put them up against one another? I'm sorry last week I recall everyone whining they didn't use the mustang because it was the obvious competing muscle car. Those here complaining and rating it 5 and below don't even know what in the hell it is they want.
And oddly enough it seems to be unanimous across the board, great first 45, weak last 15, so that must mean what was a solid 8-9 goes down to a 4? for the last 15 minutes? If they hadn't of done that, and had a score chart at the end, you'd all cry as well. You got a proper car review, and up until the last portion, their reactions seemed genuine and unscripted during the first portion of the motor homes.
I'm not sure what got everyone else in such a pissy mood, but I enjoy the episode, not their finest, but a good solid episode that had better content than any other program I've watched this month. If you're truly that fed up, quit watching, that simple, you act as if you're being force to endure this program, or that top gear for whatever reason owes you the exact segments you, who I will remind you again are the minority in terms of viewership, even though the majority of you cant even decide what you want in the program.
Relax and realize it's a television show