A message to all the international community
A message to all the international community
In my desire to give this topic a conclusion like vikiradTG200 does, and before there's a permanent impression about all that has happened in the Mexico-Top Gear topic. I just want to give to all the international community that reunites on this virtual space an explanation of the many factors that injected hate and misinformation in the mexican population, and influenced on this international and diplomatic mess. Please read this so you can understand what really happened in Mexico.
As I said, there were many factors that injected hate and misinformation in the mexican population. All those factors were created by the media. There are 5 images included in this post as evidence.
Factor No. 1: The overexposure of the same segment of Top Gear that we know of, shown over and over during
one week on tv, radio and newspapers: Tv Azteca, Televisa News, El Universal Newspaper, MVS News Channel, Teleformula News Channel, Milenio News Channel, Imagen Radio, just to name a few.
Factor No. 2: Misleading and bad translated clips from Top Gear.
In the second most viewed news programme in the nation, they translated wrong a bit of the clip, as shown in the picture.
The bit after the price was mentioned, were Jeremy says:
-It's not enought. Because somebody's paid to be built. It gotta be shipped over.
Was heard as:
-It's not enought. Because somebody's paid to be built. It gotta be
And therefore, translated as:
-No es suficiente. Por que alguien ha pagado por desarrollar este
pedazo de basura.
Factor No. 3: Misleading, sensationalist and biased information about TopGear's presenters background and opinions.
Some newspapers, tv and radio broadcasters are taking comments from
Jeremy Clarkson as background: "Jeremy Clarkson asked in 2008 to bombard Mexico". Jeremy said that in an article when he suggested it as a solution to the global economic crisis, blaming USA and Mexico for it. But all the media is taking this as some kind of racial erradication.
And worst of all, the same media, is taking as authentic the comments from this man, whose twitter account is @
RealJamesMay. I think is just some stupid man who seized an opportunity, and didn't count that some stupid media would magnify his stupid comments.
Factor No. 4: Many news readers or show presenters allowed themselves to show hatred and racists comments towards Top Gear, its presenters and the British culture.
The purpose of this long post, is so you can understand how many but many mexicans were misguided by this hotheaded, stupid, lazy, and non investigative media.
With all the factors mentioned above added at the same time, it will be really hard for any country to have a sense of humor of what is being said about it, even if it may have had any.
If you're reading this, Andy Wilman, and we do know that you visit FinalGear, please know that Mexico does have a sense of humor, we do love the show, but what we don't have is a responsable, prudent and intelligent media.
If any of the people that read this has Andy's email, can you send it by PM to me?, I want to send him this.
PS. As a funny anecdote of all this, I can no longer see the
BBC Entertainment Channel because my local tv cable operator has removed it from its programming, hence, I can no longer see legally Top Gear. Going back to torrents and ilegal downloading. Life is Good.
Thanks for reading this. Good night.