Yay go McLaren.
Great video for the review.
"This is how you pass a Ferrari, without crashing into it" :lol: I guess they could have shown this any week.
I thought James was supposed to be driving the Ferrari?
The Ferrari does sound amazing.
Fucking hell, what a laptime.
M5 best looking... What the fuck?
That's not a Range Rover.
Theres no ground clearance
Fucking hell James, had no chance.
Loved the split second sandbuggy tease.
Yay Kick-Ass music!!!!
Another great review.
'Cher' :lol:
Does look great as a 3 door.
Ugh not this prick again. interesting to see his time. Is it the car or the driver?
He-He vanished.
"Roger?" :lol:
15 minute challenge?
Fucking hell, the ducks!!!! The ducks!!!!
I don't understand people who buy shit new cars.
Dickys hair, yuckers.
Two men in a Boxster?
Oh I do love a CL.... Not the top of the range.
The numberplates were blanked... Why?
Wow only 27 BHP lost.
"Perhaps youre just a rubbish driver?" :lol:
Jezzas thumbs up. :lol:
"Snot and ladyjuice." :lol:
Ah thats why we had blanked plates.
Great episode.