Hello Everyone, I'm new here. I honestly only signed up, to ask just one question, about a song I'm Looking for and I desperately need it
I'm really happy there's these threads. You people are amazing I'm so happy you can find basically Every song here.
Just one question: ssreverb Thankyou so much for the tracklist, Only there's a song I still can't find.
I really adore the Radio Dept. one "It's personal" and for a moment I thought it was that. I listened thoroughly, through all of it, but it wasn't exactly it.
To make sure I can make clear which part I mean I'll use this video and the timing according to this video:
As "It's personal" finishes at 6:16, then there's a few sounds, Until at
6:27, there's a song that begins, Piano sound, until 7:27 exactly, right before the Lambo speeds away and roars
I've listened to Mogway aswell, Terrific Speech, 1 and 2 , but no part sounds like that. I listened to many Mogway songs on YT but didn't find it... I'm desperate
So That's the link and the info... Sorry if I disturb, Thankyou in advance if anyone even reads this. I wold Love to know what that song is