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2012 NHL Off-Season and Pre-Season Thread

No. Everyone involved just doesn't seem to realize how bad this crap is making them look, especially since everyone remembers the last lockout, the one that ended up with the whole season cancelled. Which wasn't even that long ago. They should really be doing all they can to keep that from happening again if they know what's good for them. If another season ends up getting cancelled so soon after the last one, tons of fans will be lost for sure. Then they won't have nearly as much money to squabble over in the future.
No. Everyone involved just doesn't seem to realize how bad this crap is making them look, especially since everyone remembers the last lockout, the one that ended up with the whole season cancelled. Which wasn't even that long ago. They should really be doing all they can to keep that from happening again if they know what's good for them. If another season ends up getting cancelled so soon after the last one, tons of fans will be lost for sure. Then they won't have nearly as much money to squabble over in the future.

"everyone involved wants to play it just that there is one turd that wont let them. The players have made it very clear that they would be more than will to play with no contract.
This was interesting, the "competition authority" has ruled the ban illegal, but the SEL has appealed the ruling.

Nicklas B?ckstr?m said that he is ready to get on a plane and come home!
And Marcus Johansson would probably follow too, because his brother plays for Bryn?s!

Bryn?s signed Cody Franson today, sneaky. Cause he didn't have a contract.

edit. I guess the gates are about to open in Sweden too. Fr?lunda just signed Matt Duchene.
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Maybe the NHL corporate poops would be more motivated to end the lockout if someone smacked them in the face every morning 'till the season starts

...in my opinion.
I volunteer for the bitch slapping job.
So..... when will someone like ESPN/NBC Sports start picking up the overseas games that have NHL players playing? Even if they don't want to put it on their actual network, ESPN could easily throw it up on ESPN3.
Who cares, I am getting ready for my new job.

So, lots of people think the lockout will be over by Jan 1 at the latest. The league's going to lose a shitton of money if they miss that 100 000 strong crowd, the PA sure knows that. Shit.
Who's side are you all on, anyways? I blame Bettman and the owners. Owners are stupid for shelling out money and contracts they don't like, and Bettman can't get his stories straight. Highest revenue ever the past few years, yet every team is losing money? Does not compute.

Also, I think I read somewhere ESPN3 will be broadcasting some KHL games.
I am squarely on the fans side. There was no real attempt to get this straightened out over the summer, and I hope they loose their shirts for being too stupid to realize the fans are not going to stick around for months of their squabbling.
Talk about bad luck.

He was unconscious for 17 min, but he has woken up and scans show no damage on brain or spine.

edit. Youtube is failing me. FF to about 45 seconds in.
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