I was disappointed in this episode. Too fake, and too Stoogian. Okay, the 'slope" joke, while in poor taste, was mildly funny. When the crane fell over, that was genuinely funny, in a Stoogian way. The show, like it's presenters, has grown long in the tooth and will likely fade ignominiously into the sunset remembered mainly for it's unrealized potential. Thing is, this episode could have been as brilliant as the cinematography, if only they drove modern AWD SUVs instead of dilapidated trucks. Anything that hasn't been done to death already. Subaru vs Mitsubishi would have been real nice. A Mercedes/Porsche/Range Rover match-up would also have been very watchable. Even a hot hatches across Burma would have worked. This did not. Christmas in March? They knew it sucked.
I don't think modern cars would've worked better in this case. I loved the choice of vehicles this time, if anything it made for more confusion and funny moments,
which is exactly what this show is all about. I just think the second part could've been better somehow. Don't know why exactly it wasn't as good as the first part but I think the promise was way too big to be carried on with.
The bridge was a bit too messy for my taste and too fake. But the second part of the special had its good moments too, I loved the way they interacted with the locals, I wish they had done that in the other specials too, especially the Bolivia/Chile one.