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[21x07] March 16th, 2014 [Burma Special, Part 2]

[21x07] March 16th, 2014 [Burma Special, Part 2]

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I was disappointed in this episode. Too fake, and too Stoogian. Okay, the 'slope" joke, while in poor taste, was mildly funny. When the crane fell over, that was genuinely funny, in a Stoogian way. The show, like it's presenters, has grown long in the tooth and will likely fade ignominiously into the sunset remembered mainly for it's unrealized potential. Thing is, this episode could have been as brilliant as the cinematography, if only they drove modern AWD SUVs instead of dilapidated trucks. Anything that hasn't been done to death already. Subaru vs Mitsubishi would have been real nice. A Mercedes/Porsche/Range Rover match-up would also have been very watchable. Even a hot hatches across Burma would have worked. This did not. Christmas in March? They knew it sucked.

I don't think modern cars would've worked better in this case. I loved the choice of vehicles this time, if anything it made for more confusion and funny moments,
which is exactly what this show is all about. I just think the second part could've been better somehow. Don't know why exactly it wasn't as good as the first part but I think the promise was way too big to be carried on with.

The bridge was a bit too messy for my taste and too fake. But the second part of the special had its good moments too, I loved the way they interacted with the locals, I wish they had done that in the other specials too, especially the Bolivia/Chile one.
So the BBCAmerica version deleted the slope comment much like they did the dreaded handicap spot controversy. It looks like if there is any question about a segment, BBCA will disappear it. Makes me glad I see the original first.
The 2nd part hasn't aired on BBC Canada yet, but I expect they'll do the same thing. At least it seems like it's been less edited than the rest of series 21, which has lost the news segments.
Did BBCA air the horse cock scene?

Also the slope joke was hilarious.
They went to the river Kok.....and poured in Richard's shower...still enjoyed it
Really enjoyed both part 1 and 2 of the special. Yes, scripted moments as usual, but I laughed my ass off at a few scenes. Plus, it was quite remarkable to watch.

No, there's no way in hell that they built / designed that entire bridge themselves. I'd like to know the truth of how it was constructed.. like someone here noted, it does appear that there is a steel frame underneath or something, with the bamboo merely covering (hiding) the strong metal structure underneath. You can see it in the exposed areas. I'm sure they did work hard on it nonetheless, but not nearly to the extent that we're led to believe. And no, there's no way that a bamboo bridge would hold those trucks over that length of water, it didn't even look like the structure budged under the weight aside from the bamboo on top.

Entertaining nonetheless, just don't appreciate being misled so often on this show.
Now that the season is over, I really feel TG has lost its edge. If it wasn't for this 2 part special, there would be nothing impressive about the show anymore...
Actually its called Kok. If you simply take the info that we were given in the show (the map) and look up a...map...you would have found it. Took me about 30 seconds. Once again, a "fan" has decided that he/she loves the show so much that they shall dissect it for perfection.

anyways, 9/10 from me, i actually liked last weeks better but this was still fun.

Did you just hijack my post?

The river is called Kok River, you can find it on a map here. Beautiful scenery, I love it when Top Gear shots a location in such a way that I really want to visit the place.

Btw, I got to thinking what about the bridge, do they just leave it there? There didn't seem to be any connecting roads. Seems like too much effort for essentially a short TV skit. They could have built the bridge at least somewhere where it was needed, like connecting two villages or something.
Much better than the recent Patagonia special, the horse back riding scene with Jeremy and James was extra-hilarious, couldn't stop laughing.
Did they really build the bridge ?

Did they really build the bridge ?

Well that was interesting. Jeremy was hyping part 2 for weeks but I actually think part 1 was better television. It seems like from his point of view building the bridge was one of the show's greatest achievements, but sometimes the final product on TV doesn't quite match the presenters' experience on the ground. I remember Jeremy was gaga over the Veyron vs Cessna race but it isn't actually that exciting to watch--I felt like that sometimes here, where you just figured the bridge would work eventually and then the show would be over, and so it was. Don't get me wrong, definitely great television, but I think part 1 had more 'real' little moments that make TG so great (ow ow ow ow ow ow ow). I was also expecting a bit more from that party in the Shan...

Having watched the bridge-building several times - I now think it was an old bridge - almost derelict, they drove across first, then demolished it bit by bit and the scenes were shown in reverse order. That would explain the bridge deck made out of old and vey dusty bamboo when they drove on it, and some places covered in moss and rusty iron, whilst the section starts with them cutting new green bamboo. And it explains why we saw a large chunk of bridge floating away down-river, and why it had a totally superfluous overhead section in the middle.
reverse order demolition ?

reverse order demolition ?

Didn't they say 15 days ?

Having watched the bridge-building several times - I now think it was an old bridge - almost derelict, they drove across first, then demolished it bit by bit and the scenes were shown in reverse order. That would explain the bridge deck made out of old and vey dusty bamboo when they drove on it, and some places covered in moss and rusty iron, whilst the section starts with them cutting new green bamboo. And it explains why we saw a large chunk of bridge floating away down-river, and why it had a totally superfluous overhead section in the middle.
derelict bridge ?

derelict bridge ?

Enjoyable overall, though I didn't for a minute buy that they had built that bridge, a few locals to help or not- that was clearly quite the major construction and I'd bet, a damn sight stronger than we were led to believe. The fake pissing was a shame, too.

Some good humour and some beautiful scenery though, shot brilliantly well as always.

Having watched the bridge-building several times - I now think it was an old bridge - almost derelict, they drove across first, then demolished it bit by bit and the scenes were shown in reverse order. That would explain the bridge deck made out of old and vey dusty bamboo when they drove on it, and some places covered in moss and rusty iron, whilst the section starts with them cutting new green bamboo. And it explains why we saw a large chunk of bridge floating away down-river, and why it had a totally superfluous overhead section in the middle.