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5150 III - Time for a new computer

I'm a spreader, I like to see the exact coverage I'll get and I find it very satisfying. I'm a clean spreader mind, a thin layer without any overspill. I'm not buttering bread, after all. Never had any issues with cooling, maybe not the absolute best but I don't do it all of the time.

I'm collecting parts for a new i7 build though so I will be doing this before too long.
Thermal compound application is like fried chicken, there's a ton of different recipes and ways to go about making it, but no one can definitively say theirs is the "correct" way. I say so long as you use something of good quality and don't put it on too thick it won't really matter if you spread it out or smash the cooler down to spread it out.

I know 12th gen runs hot and I'm sure 13th will be just as bad if not worse, you may want to try Thermal Grizzly's Liquid Metal. You have to make sure the base of your cooler isn't bare aluminum and be damn careful when applying it because you will short things out if it goes somewhere it shouldn't.