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A Big thanks


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
I just wanted to thank everyone that makes this site possible. I know there are lots of other thank yous but I really really want to thank you guys.

I live in the USA and am big into cars....but not American cars....and here we pretty much get zero car shows that have good coverage of European cars.

I got hooked on Top Gear when the few (8 or so) cut down episodes appeared here on Discovery.

Then they stopped, not to mention i learned that these were big time edits of the original show from the UK...and thanks to this site I finally can see the full episodes!

I do not know what I would do without you guys! Top Gear is one of the only shows I watch anymore (at least for the time being while I watch the rest of the series that I have not seen yet).

Truly an amazing community and all the more power to you guys for providing a great service! :thumbsup:

I would buy the DVDs if they ever came out (but i know i am not alone in this) and so I think in this case it is ok to do a bit of downloading to get the "good stuff" that is not availible here in the states

You should also try out Fifth gear if you haven't allready. Not as entertainment oriented as Top gear but gives good, more objective reviews of the cars and two or three of the four hosts are former (current?) racing drivers. Also helps pass the time until the next TG episode :thumbsup:

edit: Did/do vicki also race? Think i remember something with her beign a racing instructer when i come to think of it...