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Alfa Romeo GT


Active Member
Dec 19, 2004
Nissan 200SX S13
hello everybody,

this is my latest chop. I startet photochopping again after a pause of 6 month . I know it's not perfect, but I had to start somewhere :)

- Carbonbonnet & roof & part oft the frontbumer
- Rims
- BAckgroundchange
- Cleaning
- chopped the Body
- c&p Bodykit
- paint
- mirrors

Sorry for the Black windows, but I could not find a nice interior



your comments please :)
Looks great! But there is some swirling action going on the carbon fibre hood.

I really like the cleanness of where the license plate used to be, very nice. :thumbsup:

Rims/wheels look fantastic! :eek:
Wow, thats a pretty car. To bad we dont have those in the States!
jayjaya29, carbon fibre as you know is woven. if u look closely at an enzo or a carbon fibre hood u will notice the same swirling. that is what it looks like when done well. even i swirl it for that extra effect of reality.

something, its a great chop but i would ahve used mirror tints since u chose that car colour.great job with the cf hood and the bodykit.

i only dont like the tiny side view mirrors.
blaydexi said:
jayjaya29, carbon fibre as you know is woven. if u look closely at an enzo or a carbon fibre hood u will notice the same swirling. that is what it looks like when done well. even i swirl it for that extra effect of reality.

I understand the normal swirl pattern, but it seems too pronounced for my linking. Like, it jumps out at me when I look at the pic.
youre right i felt it too it needs a less squinched weave. the layer was squashed a lil too much
you shouldn't have changed the background, now it looks like the car has only wheels on one side. and the reflections aren't right now.
thx for your comments ... yeah ... its a bit strange the shadow under the car
was just a practise chop ... to get used to Photoshop again :)