Alphabetical Conversation

very likely, the only time chav's aren't on the internet is when they are watching daytime tv.
Will argatoga ever finish his wank or start it for that matter?
bollocks to it all
can't agree with you more. i would try and break the cycle. but i'm not big enough to be the one who breaks the system.
Down with the system, we will not take their opression any longer!
Egad - is nothing to be said about the X that missed the spot?
For God's sake we must get it right this time.
Hell, I knew that, just stressing the point that we need a run without mistakes.
Incredibly, have we even managed to get though one run without ending up making a mistake somewhere down the line?
Just you wait, we shall succeed.
K, if you say so.
May the mighty smartness of the sum total of the minds here bring about a successful ending!
Oi! We're collectively pretty smart. Well, as long as I keep my mouth shut.