Alphabetical Conversation

Knowledge of time and space continuum mechanics often fail me. but if you kill him in the past, doesn't that create a time loop hole that can possibly eat away at the universe leading to cracks in the universe. Well either that or his posts just vanish.
(Just going to kill that calvinhobbes bloke...)
Late at night, all on my own and defenseless, I am tring to fend off the wrath of the man with the furry bosom. Excruciating pain floods my body as he lays his garrote around my neck and tightens it. I fight with all my might, but soon my spirits abandon me and I am defeated. I lie dead on the floor, Mr. Furrymoobs grinning maniacally above me as he observes the last twitches of my uncontrolled muscles.

If some idiot thinks this is any more than plain and simple fiction inspired by the poorest of overly dramatic crime novels, I'd like to reassure him (because it's invariably going to be a miserable, lonesome middle-aged male computer geek) that the above lines are nothing but imaginary.
Lord. Does it matter? Can I not just enjoy the whole mayhem, and bloody butchery? Do I have to have a plan to take over the multiverse?
Oui! you can't keep messing with time and space, it will only be a matter of time until one of you makes a mistake and the next thing you know you'll step on a frog and wipe out all causality and humanity. Hey watch where you're stepping, you might step on one of th-

*Ribbit... Ribbit...*
Puh-lease, don't be so melodramatic, nothing is going to happen.
Quite right, that is unless you are wrong
Stop the presses! Hold the front page!
The frogs are invading!!!!!!!!!
Unanimously have we voted to repel them?
Well it is the french. all we have to do is show them to scotland. they meet the scottish. the french immediately surrender and we get to call dibs on Paris New London and the Eiffel Tower London Tower.
You're being a bit optimistic, aren't you?
Zolder would be nice to have as a private playground, since we're speaking of Belgium.

This time he's done it!

Aaaanyway, let's start over!
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And the competition is on :p