Alphabetical Conversation

Fifty Fried Fighting Fish Falling Fiercely for F***** Filthy Fergie!
Go go gadget Protostig!
Heady Hunk Hugh(Jackman) hearts hottie shellygirl!
Just what does that car (I forget the name of it) have to contribute to the alphabetical conversation?
Knowing is not necessarily telling
Lust is the most beautiful sin.
Nuts, letting the cat out of the bag


Please, I don't need to hear your best Janice. *shields her ears from the noise*
Quiet you!
Rowdiness is not tolerated here
Understand, I do not.
Vulnerable to Yoda syndrome, ashspet is.
Whatever. Ashspet is, well, she's her own breed. :nod:
Xenophobe is what Guppy is to me