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Amazing Race! - Let's Bet


Oct 4, 2004
Clarkson's House
So the Amazing Race is premiering Feb 28 (and it's not going to be a gay "family edition). Does anyone want do some friendly betting to make it more interesting?

Here's how it works:
- Pick your top 5 teams from the cbs website (http://www.cbs.com/primetime/amazing_race9/), and rank them from 1 to 5 on how well you think they will do.

- At the end points will be awarded on how your teams finish. So if your 1st ranked team finishes first it would be 5 (team rank) X 11 (finishing place) = 55 points, and if your 4th ranked team finishes 7th it would be 2 X 5 = 10 points.

Depending on how many people participate we could have an avatar bet riding on the outcome - meaning the loser(s) would have to use an avatar of the winner's choice for 2 weeks.
what's the amazing race?

i know gumball, ultimate rally, baja, dakar, cannonball, ...

but amazing race? :dunno:
^ It's a tv show where teams of two people race around the world, at each route marker they are given directions to the next route marker, or some sort of challenge to complete. At the end of each leg the last team is eliminated. (there's a bit more to it than that, but that's the basics). It's an awesome show.

@ UKD - I see I wasn't the only one checking out the CBS site today to see if the TAR9 site was up yet :)

I'm up for this - let me read up on the teams first...
It's not a race in the aspect that it doesn't involve cars. It's more of a Around the world in 80 days kind of thing. The difference is that it doesn't feature adventurers racing from country to country but average Americans instead.

It's fun to watch a few episodes and see how they can't adapt to foreign enivironments /concepts but for the most part of it it's just stupid people having stupid conversations. Much like Big Brother but without the house.