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Amazing Race Thread


Forum Addict
Jun 4, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
00' Subaru Forester GT
I just had time to watch the final episode of Amazing race and I'm really pissed with the results :( ... how did Freddy & Kendra win... they are the shittiest team among the finalist.
I just lost $30 USD as well because I was betting on Kris & Jon...
anyone else watch Amazing Race here?
I was rooting for Kris & John since the 4th episode. They played it like a perfect team. They should have won.

Freddy & Kendra should have lost miserable and Adam & Rebecca should have burned in hell. :lol:

I thought it was a great season. Can't wait till March 1st when Amazing Race 7 starts.
I can't believed the racist couple Freddy & Kendra won... the comments that she made about Africa just made everyone go :shock: ... this is the sort of Snooby Americans that the world hates and they won the race.
Adam & Rebecca was a funny couple... second on my list... mainly because Rebecca was pretty hot :lol:... but they were a very funny couple... esp. in the Scuba Diving bit... I was laughing my ass off
I agree with you on the Africa part. I couldn't believe what they said. I would give both my limbs to visit every part of the world.

Adam was a fool. That guy shouldn't even been born. Now we can see what kind of good looking women go for...braun and not brains.
Adam was a fool. That guy shouldn't even been born. Now we can see what kind of good looking women go for...braun and not brains.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ... he was great entertainment though... Rebecca seems tougher than him :lol: ... she could have done the whole race on her own and still come in the same position or even better
People still watch amazing race? lol.
I lost interest after that oddball couple won in AR 3. The one where the old couple got 2nd. Are you talking about AR7? I think AXN are just showing that.
Yes people watch Amazing Race. Are you sure they are already showing Amazing Race 7. It won't be here till March 1st.
Yeah flo & zach. lol. I wouldn't mind if the old couple won though. They're always quarelling.
I don't really remember the old couple from AR3.... hmm... have to dig up some AR3 episodes to watch again... esp. Jon Vito & Jill... she's pretty hot :D
We should start a pool when the next season starts. I betted against my buddy (although he didn't even watch the show). We each picked what we thought were going to be the top five teams. I totally wiped the floor with him. 8)

He picked the two girls (Lena and something), the old people, and the father-daughter teams in his top 5. :lol:
I'm up for that :). Always good to have some competition.
It gets repetitve after a time. There is so much more you could do with the concept. Take the challenges for an example. Most of them rely on physical strenght. It would be so much more interesting to see challenges that focus more on adapting to a certain situation. Some challenges should be based on general education, that would be much more interesting.
Well you guys, Amazing Race 8 had a casting call already and there are gonna be teams of 4. So it looks like it will be interesting to see what they will do with that.
I can't because I'm Canadian. Only US citizens can.