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An interesting screen shot...


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
Massillon, OH
2006 Honda Civic Coupe
I don't get it, what does windows classic style have to do with your computer slowly dying?
Well, not being able to run a theme means your computer will die within the hour...

Actually, you should have pointed out that your computer was fucked up after restarting and messed around with your style... Noone will get that f you don't make them read your messenger window :bangin: :bangin: :bangin:

Buba said:
Well, not being able to run a theme means your computer will die within the hour...

Actually, you should have pointed out that your computer was fucked up after restarting and messed around with your style... Noone will get that f you don't make them read your messenger window :bangin: :bangin: :bangin:


Actually I didn't restart my computer. It happened after running Ad Aware, which is probably why AIM (which was running before I ran Ad Aware) and the task bar are still XP style.

Edit: actually after restarting my comp, everything went back to normal again. still, there are other reasons for me to believe my computer is dying...
Hey....i just noticed that happened to my computer too!

But my computer is still fucked up, remeber the topic on worm or virus thing..i noticed the same thing happened to my computer becasue it was all old styled.
i think Microsoft Antispyware is more effective than Ad-Aware is. use that instead.
graham_h said:
re-install XP will fix it :)

jensked said:
yes did you consider a format c:\?

I mean, unless your hardware is dying everything must be fixed when you reinstall XP

As I said in my first post, my CD/DVD drive is not working. And since it is a laptop, I have no way of replacing it. So that means no way of formatting, no way to reinstall everything from CD.
you can make 2 partitions, and copy the content of the windows cd to the 2nd one via network, and install windows from there..

you can create partitions without fucking your system with partition magic
YF19pilot said:
As I said in my first post, my CD/DVD drive is not working. And since it is a laptop, I have no way of replacing it. So that means no way of formatting, no way to reinstall everything from CD.
A bootable USB pen, or a bootable floppy and a USB pen could work in absence of a CD/DVD drive.
Or you could fix or get a new CD/DVD drive first. ;)