Unfortunately this kind of luxury does cost a different price in Egypt, and it's not cheaper as you might think. It's actually more expensive
A PS2 for example costs the equivalent of $350 US here, I got my Geforce Ti4200 2 years ago from the US and it cost me around $200 US, here it was priced at $400 US and very rare...
The thing is that very few stores get these things because they know it has very very little market... and when they do they charge you more than a 100% more because they know that their customers are the rich millionaire kids who can afford to pay for these stuff so they overcharge... it's a mess
I asked about a Radeon 9700 around here around 2 months ago, the store had only one piece and wanted to sell it at $700 US!! and of course they haven't heard of an X800 or a Geforce 6800 just yet