Any one into cryptozoology?


Active Member
Jun 29, 2008
89 Jeep Wrangler V8
What the hell is this?

it was said it washed ashore in Montauk, Long Island. I'm at a loss to what it is, anyone know?

original Thread
Cryptozoology is nonsense and that picture could be fake. If it really did wash ashore, there must be some more pictures of it somewhere.

In before the bavarians! :D
Clarifying before this gets out of hand, of course it can be fake I personally do not know where the picture came from I merely found it on another forum and wanted to know what it was, the title is really more of a joke.:)

*edit- the picture is alittle suspect cause the whatchamahoosit is giving you the finger*
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It's a kreepiwatafukamus. Anyway it looks delicious.

I also like the manbearpigthing from the other forum. :D
It's just a dog with it's muzzle gone.
teletubby-warrior said:
Ah, memories... :p

That's actually what his uncle's brother's girlfriend's best friend's person who they met on holiday used to use to guard his coveted exotic car collection.
Fuck yeah manbearpig. Having said that, cryptozoology is a load of bullshit surpassed only by how pompous its practitioners are.