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April Fools


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
I only ask one thing - you guys don't start threads on the basis on April Fools. It is by far my least favorite day of the year and I try my best to just slide through the day. (I'm so gullible.) <_<
Hehe, this thread is an Invitation to everyone. Thanks for the reminder. :mrgreen:
I agree with you on the no starting threads wish.

Not being a trick player myself, I don't really like that day. :|
I actually enjoy our harmless april fools jokes at work.

For example. one year we wrote a script that takes all the text from a forum, on display, and translates it to a different language. We made it flexible enough that it can translate to pretty much anything, from spanish to german to ebonics to l33t. (we run a forum for student access at work)

We also have a tendency to hide pagers in co-worker's workstations, and page them continuously :twisted:

I'm not sure what, if anything is planned for tomorrow, so im just going to avoid going to work, only to class.
As you asked us to not start any thread on April fools basis, I post the picture of a speed ticket I got in this thread :p

Agree with Viper there. Can't stand the thought of this useless day :).
Mischief007 said:
Agree with Viper there. Can't stand the thought of this useless day :).

Yet its still 2 hours away. I personally enjoy it as long as it's harmless. One of my friends had the good sense (at least he thinks) to go on vacation this weekend to avoid it though. muahahhahahaha, what fun we will have without him around in his office, I envision lots of duct tape will be used. :twisted:
hokiethang said:
Mischief007 said:
Agree with Viper there. Can't stand the thought of this useless day :).

Yet its still 2 hours away. I personally enjoy it as long as it's harmless. One of my friends had the good sense (at least he thinks) to go on vacation this weekend to avoid it though. muahahhahahaha, what fun we will have without him around in his office, I envision lots of duct tape will be used. :twisted:

There's things that happened here that didn't go to well, especially when the taxpayers paid for it. Not good at all.
Mischief007 said:
hokiethang said:
Mischief007 said:
Agree with Viper there. Can't stand the thought of this useless day :).

Yet its still 2 hours away. I personally enjoy it as long as it's harmless. One of my friends had the good sense (at least he thinks) to go on vacation this weekend to avoid it though. muahahhahahaha, what fun we will have without him around in his office, I envision lots of duct tape will be used. :twisted:

There's things that happened here that didn't go to well, especially when the taxpayers paid for it. Not good at all.

ahh i see, yeah usually all of our pranks are paid for by those doing the pranking, with no damage to anything that one of us didn't already own. As I said, harmless. :-D
balls!!! i was gonna make a thread called "i got a r34!!!" or "i have a child!!!" but too late :( :lol:
we wanted to play a joke on our teacher by asking everyone not to show up in class and show up for the next session (e.g. we have 2 sessions for the same class, we wanted to get everyone to go to the same one), sadly some fuckers didn't cooperate so we just ditched the plan, imagine the look on the teachers face when he comes in and no one is there and when he comes to the afternoon class, there are not enough seats and its like double the normal students :lol:
I do enjoy the small practicle jokes. It's the things where like if I were to post that this site was closed forever on the main page that I don't like.

"Hey, your wife died a horrible death today! April Fools!"
Kip_6666 said:

another one, google gulp :shock:

Haha, now see, I find that funny. It's completely obvious that it's a joke. It's the ones where it's not obvious that I don't find funny.
yea me nd andy planned it...but bloddy fools..seemed like the class wasmore packed in the first session then usual....bloody hell....my whole day passed by playing warcraft wit andy and frens...hehhe