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Are U.K. motorists carrying the load for global warming?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
BMW 330Cd
According to the Environmental Transport Association, they are. The ETA calculated that the government?s tax on gasoline results in motorists paying more than $890 per ton of CO2 produced, while industry, business and households pay only $12.50 per ton.

This seems even more unfair when you consider that British motorists produce about 38 million tons of CO2 annually, compared with 52 million tons from industry and 62 million tons from offices and homes.

Taxes on gasoline in the U.K. are reported to be running well over $4 per US gallon. Guess Tony Blair can?t blame OPEC for high prices at the pump, hmm?


I think many of the laws governing 'environmental this & that' in the UK are just too strict. Some are so ridiculous that I wouldn't even want to live there.

Don't they have anything else to worry about over there?
Instead of worrying about what comes out of the tailpipes, they should streamline the whole public road system so that people spend less time on the road.

Americans on this forum should really consider the unfortunate situation of our UK friends before complaining about our $3/gal gasoline. Even in California, car registration and other vehicle fees are virtually non-existent compared to those in other developed countries. Americans have it REAL easy. We didn't even have to pay $3000 for driving school or $1500 for annual inspections.
Well..unlike the majority of Americans and what some think, I lived over in Germany for 7 years, and did see the burden that U.K. and other countries have on gas prices, but never really knew about the pollution. What is the tons of CO2 produced annually in the states?
It's amazing how much in taxes the British pay...in most cases 60% of the price of gasoline in GB is taxes. Outrageous! And bravo to the British for their outcry on the government's stubbornness in keeping the taxes so high. Wouldn't surprise me if it was one of their greatest sources of revenue!
That's nothing we pay ALOT more taxes on fuel in Finland.

Also when a little storm happens in USA the prices go up.

But you dont see them come back down.
We pay around the same in taxes, but our income is less than half... :(
Scud said:
Also when a little storm happens in USA the prices go up.
A hurricane is a little storm? You need to go hang out in the gulf when one of those come through and stop smoking what you currently are...those suckers are big and dangerous..
Scud wrote:
Also when a little storm happens in USA the prices go up.

A hurricane is a little storm? You need to go hang out in the gulf when one of those come through and stop smoking what you currently are...those suckers are big and dangerous..

Hey probably means how reliant we are on foreign oil and when any little dip in oil production happens, we get screwed by high gas prices. Which, aren't even that high compared to other countries.

don't take it too personally.
Dr. Woo said:
It's amazing how much in taxes the British pay...in most cases 60% of the price of gasoline in GB is taxes. Outrageous! And bravo to the British for their outcry on the government's stubbornness in keeping the taxes so high. Wouldn't surprise me if it was one of their greatest sources of revenue!

Last time I looked it was about 85% tax.

1 gallon (US) of fuel costs about ?3.41/$6.04 on average in the UK

Whereas in the US IIRC it's about 7%. Poor souls!

IIRC it costs about ?1.12/$2.00 per gallon (US) in the US on average.
qube said:
Last time I looked it was about 85% tax.

1 gallon (US) of fuel costs about ?3.41/$6.04 on average in the UK

Whereas in the US IIRC it's about 7%. Poor souls!

IIRC it costs about ?1.12/$2.00 per gallon (US) in the US on average.
Nah, right now in the U.S. it's around $3.00.

And the last time I read about the U.K. taxes, they were saying the price was around $6.00 as you said...are you sure it's as high as 85%? Either way, like I said, it's absolutely outrageous.
We North Americans don't have speed cameras either. Half-price fuel and I can speed as long as there are no cops around? Sounds good to me.