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Argh! Rant, rant, rant.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
I apologise if this has been done before. I apologise if it is in the wrong place. I apologise if the bloke involved is the guy who owns this forum. Please mods feel free to remove or edit as you see fit. I just need to vent.

I've downloaded TG - Season 2 from another place, and happily sat through the first six episodes. I've got to episode seven and before the episode starts, I've got a spinning Ferrari logo, then a click of the Great Clarkson (complete with bubble perm hair) in an F355 and then an oh so hi-hi-hilarious clip of Jabba the Hutt.

Now, I could live with that. Its pointless, but, you know, the show starts after it. But what has absolutely, utterly completely got my goat is the fact that the bloke who encoded it has shoved "Another Release By The O'Mighty Jabba", a third of the way down the screen, all the way through every single episode.

In the name of God, why? It just bloody *ruins* the whole thing? I wouldn't even have minded if it was a tiny logo up where BBC Prime would be. Fair enough. Stamp some authorship. Just don't stamp it on using big bloody size 12s. I mean, the BBC doesn't have "Series Producer Andy Willman" in 72 point flashing letters all the way through each episode, does it?

It's like the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy steals the gold statue, evades the spikes and the boulder, outruns the Nazis and delivers the statue to Marcus at the University.

Marcus: "Well done Indy, the Museum is delighted."
Indy: "It is the best place for it."
Marcus: "Hold on a second. Somethings wrong."
Indy: "What is it?"
Marcus: "There appears to be something scrawled on it."
Indy: "Oh?"
Marcus: "Yes. Someone has scrawled "Another Valuable Antiquity Stolen For You By The Most Excellent Indiana Jones." right across the statues forehead."
Indy: "Well. Just so you know who did it, like."

Like I said, I don't know who the O'Mighty Jabba is. He is most likely a lovely guy. Keeps kittens. Gives money to charity. I imagine he sleeps on a bed of rose petals, with soothing music in the background while women in bikinis clean his fleet of Ferraris with extra soapy water. But as far as I'm concerned, he's a blethering egomanical idiot.

By all means credit yourself at the start and/or the end. Fine. But to plaster your name in stonking letters all the way through... argh! Its like Michaelangelo scrawling "I woz 'ere" on the statue of David.

I'd like to buy Jabba a pint for bringing me Top Gear season 2. As a token of my appreciation.

But then I'd feel compelled to wee in it, so that he remembers who bought it for him.
Yeah, I hate Jabba's fucking rips with a passion. Not only does he leave his marks all over the damn video, his rips are utter shit.

He's a jackass.
I'd like to buy Jabba a pint for bringing me Top Gear season 2. As a token of my appreciation.

But then I'd feel compelled to wee in it, so that he remembers who bought it for him.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Touche!!!
By all means credit yourself at the start and/or the end. Fine. But to plaster your name in stonking letters all the way through... argh! Its like Michaelangelo scrawling "I woz 'ere" on the statue of David.

You seem to know your historical masters too :thumbsup:

Michelangelo regretted, don't think I'll regret weeing in it :lol:
Shawn_230 said:
Yeah, I hate Jabba's fucking rips with a passion. Not only does he leave his marks all over the damn video, his rips are utter shit.

He's a jackass.

Yes they are utter shit :thumbsdown:

Ultra_Kool_Dude said:
That's why we love VUK so much (and Overheat to a lesser extent :p ). :D

You know you've been watching too much Top Gear when you re-read your posting and realise that large parts of it can be said by Jeremy himself without altering any of it.

KryptonZone said:
Though, I give credit for Mr Jabba for the release, otherwise I would not have the complete series, at all...

Which is a bit like saying "this chap smashed my face in, but he was kind enough to drive me to the hospital afterwards".

Sigh. Time to hit the torrent search sites for VUK (whose downloads are excellent.) Any clue where I can find those missing season 4 eps? (Cayenne, etc).
I laughed hard reading your post... Hahaha...

You really don't know who Jabba is? He is running another car site...

hahaha, that's the best thing i've read all morning, brilliant.

Plissken said:
But then I'd feel compelled to wee in it, so that he remembers who bought it for him.

Even more briliant!!
:lol: Thanks for posting that, I think that brought me out of my "End-of-season" depression. :D
Ha ha thats a laugh and a half :lol: :thumbsup: JW rips are so in ur face eh...so they can record a low quality video and shove banners all over it! Give me a break JW :roll:

I don't have a problem with the logos on my dual 17" LCDs on fullscreen in Media Player Classic... I just press Num Lock and then keypad-9 until the problem goes away :D

(For those who don't know, the keypad is used to zoom/move the video image in MPC. Keypad-9 = Zoom In)