Ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer - thread


With a pin, or something sharp. Like your pee pee.

Why won't the kids play with me?
Because you're idea of "play" is different to theirs!

When will 'CruiserMan stop answering every 2nd or 3rd question and give more people a go at answering different questions? (hint hint)
When I have to go to school for an exam tomorrow (Hint taken, sorry I was bored. Will make oneself scarce)

Jiklo mana hana bobo folo trolo niko lada chkrnsklth mobo hobo. K'chjust!

What is Toyota's division for replacing light bulbs called?
The temperature of the Earth is determined by an equilibrium, a balance between the energy that is received from the light of the Sun and is absorbed by the Earth, and the energy that is emitted as infrared radiation from the Earth to space. In order to keep the temperature constant, the energy that comes in from the Sun and the energy that goes out in infrared radiation need to balance each other. How does the carbon dioxide (and the other greenhouse gases) alter that balance? Carbon dioxide absorbs infrared light. As its abundance in the atmosphere increases, more of the infrared light emitted from the ground is absorbed by the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and sent back to the surface. The atmosphere becomes more opaque to the infrared light, and therefore acts like a blanket covering the Earth, preventing the heat from escaping, and warming up the Earth.

Did you really want a proper answer?
Actually I wanted to hear "Al Gore makes blood sacrafices to one of the elder gods so he can be most popular Democrat, despite the fact he ain't running for pres."

How do I shot web?
If it costs more than a penny to make a penny, how can it be worth a penny?
'Cuz the government says so...but why should we listen to them?
Very good question....................

whats the point of ballons?
Ballons are round, and have no points.

Does this look ready, or shall it put it back in for another 30 seconds?
getting ass rammed in a row boat by a couple of dirty mexicans

how funny would it be if elton john recieved a fist to the face?
it'd break his stupid glasses
why did liberace have a gold piano?
because he is extremely fruity like the aformentioned elton john

does 2nd base really feel like warm apple pie?
They feel more like water balloons.

If someone who plays the piano is a pianist and someone who creates art is called an artist, then shouldn't someone who participates in races be called a racist?
no for the same reason that you don't call a trombone player a tromboner.
how many members of the royal family does it take to change a lighbulb?
Odd Job did, and he didnt use a gun of course, he took kennedy's head off with a carefully timed decapitating hat throw, he was a little off on his aim, smashing kennedy's head "up and to the back, up and to the back". the result was acceptable though. the footage was doctored to remove the hat and witnesses at the scene where neurolized. Odd Job wasnt even on the grassy knowl (sp?) that was made up, he was actually on the other side of the road, in the crowd, eating ice cream.

would i be able to hit a barn door with a panzer faust?
Possibly, unless you are on the Eastern Front; because in Russia, barn door hits you.

Why is "Verb" a noun?