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atheist and non-believers, are you offended?

atheist and non-believers, are you offended?

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justin syder

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
New York, USA
1986 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Anyone that does not believe in God or religion...lets say a religious christian, not me, comes up to you with a Bible and says "you need to go to church". "You are a sinner and will go to hell if you don't repent".

Question- Would you be offended?

That person just says that and you leave, they dont harrass you or force you to read anything, would you be offended by what they said?

Just curious.
I've never had one of those people come up to me and say it like that.

But some time ago, when me and my brother were about 10 and 9 this woman came up to us and told us that jesus loves us, Maybe tryin to mould our young impressionable minds or something, whatever.
I responded with huh, then my brother asked the woman if jesus was a pedo. I couldn't stop laughing :lol:

She just walked away shakeing her head :/
But if someone came up to you and started a convo and said you are going to hell, would that offend you?

More importantly, are you an Atheist, dont believe in God?
i would feel pitty for the beleiver, being brainwashed and stuff

but it happened to us, a few years ago, we were smoking joints after school, suddenly a dutch guy came to gospel the protestant church, i don't who was conviced the most at the end, we to follow his beleive, or he that relegion is BS

we did have a nice talk and a good laugh afterwards :)
I'm a christian. Not an extreeme in any way. Maby go to church only one or two times a year. However i would be offended. Who would he be to tell me what god thinks. Only the "Mighy Lord" :D knows that. That person is not the one who decides who goes to hell and not, if there even is a hell (which i don't believe).
u beleive in god, but you don't beleive in hell. how stupid is that, so no matter what u do, you'll always end up in heaven

how can there be sth good, when there is nothing bad to compare with??
I'm not "offended", I'm just annoyed to death and have to strongly resist the urge to smack them for what is in my opinion, complete ignorance.
Like Viper I would be annoyed, not offended. I am, in pinciple, a christian but haven't been to church since my confirmation, so religion is not exactly high in my priorities...

I feel that I do not need to find fullfilment into my life from religion, but if someone finds happiness from it then I am happy for them. I just hope that they are smart enough to realise it is not for everyone.
I dont believe in nothing Id say. Nor do I reject anything. Ill find it all out when Im dead, but I find it most likely that things just get kinda black. I dont care if someone tells me that Ill go to hell, The way I see it, They are the ones that have a problem. :) Lets chill... 8)
As Roland already said...I find that to be offensive, and I'm a Christian. God is the only one who decides who goes to heaven and to hell...some religious nutjob who decides to come up to a random person and tell them they're going to hell certainly doesn't fall under a good light in my eyes.

But I guess I can't vote since I'm not an atheist. :p
I feel sorry for those people, walking around with a bible and with every question they get they have to think "How does "God" want me to answer this".

I had some people at the door trying to convince me that "Jesus and God" love me and whatever bullshit they ranted about. I'm always friendly at those people at the first time but when I say "NO" it's NO and not "no, but actually I'd like you to annoy me more and come into my house", No Fucking Way! Get a life, get a wife and get laid, don't waste your time with doing this. Not trying to offend anyone here and I'm only talking about the "extreme-pushing christian believers" but they annoy the crap out of me. I had a few nice talks with them on the streets as well with a friend, that was fun but I got the idea they are somewhat brainwashed.
I am not baptized and I don't care what some christian extremist might think about that.
If someone would say to me that I'll go to hell I would walk straight away.
I'm an atheist,
and I would laugh if someone came up to me and told me that. I'd only think to
myself that it's kind of annoying he or she wont ever find out that they were
actually wrong because it will all go black on them before they get to see that 8)

But then again there might be something, it all seems possible when the
universe is endless. My brain can't figure out infinite, and nor can yours figure
out what's after life. We don't have that amount of brain capacity yet, sadly :roll:

Let's say christianity, or any other religion for that sake, is the one that's actually
"true". By christian means, regarding to the bible (Don't come along with personal
interpretations now because they are nothing against the bible), I will go to hell
because I am a non-believer.
Now, what comforts me is this: If I've lived my life as a more compassionate human
being than for instance my christian and believing neighbour and have to go
to hell because of it. Then that's not a god I would like to be affiliated with anyways.
May I burn in hell yes thank you :shock:
Jostyrostelli said:
I had some people at the door trying to convince me that "Jesus and God" love me and whatever bullshit they ranted about. I'm always friendly at those people at the first time but when I say "NO" it's NO and not "no, but actually I'd like you to annoy me more and come into my house", No Fucking Way! Get a life, get a wife and get laid, don't waste your time with doing this. Not trying to offend anyone here and I'm only talking about the "extreme-pushing christian believers" but they annoy the crap out of me. I had a few nice talks with them on the streets as well with a friend, that was fun but I got the idea they are somewhat brainwashed.

over here yehova-witnesses (or however you translat it) come from door to door

if you even wanne meet a stupid religion, try this one
Yeah Jehovas too, I wont even open the door for them, they will push little minibibles or whatever in your hand, and if you accept "the gift" they'll write down the adress and come back later to ask if you "are open" to God or Jesus or whatever believe..
I think I've withnessed a Jehovas exam once on my door. There was this younger dude and a older one. The young one spoke to me nervously while the older one made notes.
I thought it would be rude to let him fail it so I talked to him about Angels :lol:
For the most part I think I'm atheist, but I guess what better describes my position is: I'm not sure.
I wouldn't be offended if some said I was going to hell.

What always bugs me is if there is a God and he's all powerful and good then why is there a hell?

That always brings me to the conclusion that if God exists, God is either not all powerfull, or he's a bit sadistic.
If he's all powerfull, that means he willingly sends people to hell, and he willingly makes people suffer on earth.
If not that then he's not all powerful.

The other question that always bugs me is, if there is a God, who created him?

My upbringing was roman catholic, but I haven't been to church in 18 years or so (except weddings and such).
I'm a Muslim (though not really a religious one), and I would be offended at first, but if he didn't push the matter or harass me I'd let it go. I think it's only non-Atheists who would be offended at this, because it's a direct attack on their religion or faith, but Atheists don't believe in Hell in the first place so they don't care.