Awesome Thread

It looks less out of place if your hairdresser has actually made an effort and you're past the age of, say, 35 and look it*. But the haircut of a teenage boy on an actress who's only just approaching adulthood? Nah.

*which is not to say that looking like a 35+ year old woman is a bad thing... especially when you're 37 ;-)
We had something similar happen last fourth of july. We had bought one of those mortar kits which included a bunch of shells. The seller had some additional loose shells in a bucket for a few bucks each so we picked up some of those. Turns out they were the wrong diameter for the tube so we lit the fuse, and it went up a few feet then BOOM.
As long as she doesn't........:cool:........go bacon your heart!

smib likes this.
That must have been terrifying.
I'd be more worried about the size ticket I would get.