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Buba said:
Hmm, I'm pretty much into Sci-Fi... So I aquired Ep2x01 as a start and will watch it tomorrow ;-)

If you are gonna start this... please watch the first ones. dont just jump in because story wont make as much sense....
You can jump into BSG almost anywhere and pick up the wide story arcs as there are other subplots that only last one or two episodes, that's how I got into it.

Crazy season finale, very unexpected. I've been grabbing all previous episodes, I'm officially a BSG fan.
zenkidori said:
You can jump into BSG almost anywhere and pick up the wide story arcs as there are other subplots that only last one or two episodes, that's how I got into it.

Crazy season finale, very unexpected. I've been grabbing all previous episodes, I'm officially a BSG fan.
i actually couldnt really get into it. i liked the old one, it was quirky. i was watching some of the season finale, and you didnt tell me that it was battlestar gallactica i'd have never thought it was.
season finale BLEW!!!!!!
I most likely wont like it as much now unelss they do something radically difernet.
I thought the finale was great, a HUGE departure from the norm, a great setup for some great stuff to happen. If they'd kept the whole Cylons chasing them thing up for much longer it may have gotten stale. There are now 1000 directions they can go with this wheras if they hadn't done something so drastic they were very limited.

This blows the original series away. It was so 1 dimensional with no backstory or sub-plots, this one is very intricate without being overwhelming. The characters actually have depth, including the Cylons. If you watch the finale of any show without seeing much of the rest you're bound to be lost, as the larger story arcs need to be resolved, but throughout the rest of the season there are numerous smaller plots that last for only one episode and yet tie into the whole of the story.

I like sci fi a lot, but most of it isn't very interesting or thought provoking. this series has managed to raise a lot of interesing questions about a great many things, it reminds me of ghost in the shell.