I just want to address one issue, that is, with the lack of proper areodynamic knowledge presented in this article, which causes inaccuracies and falsehoods when selling the product. Something rice boys and blingers wouldn't understand:
spinners said:
The SPINNER EXHAUST TIP adds a spinner to the end of a car?s exhaust pipe. The spinner will rotate in the exhaust stream. At high engine speeds the spring-loaded spinner is also pushed out of the exhaust tip, giving a visual indication of the revving engine. For a variety of cars with electronic fuel injection engine control, the SPINNER EXHAUST TIP has the beneficial effect to eliminate the initial hesitation of the engine under rapid acceleration. Furthermore, the exhaust gases emanating from the tailpipe will be uniformly dispersed into the atmosphere. In some instances the speed of the vehicle will be sufficient to create a negative presence at the outlet of the exhaust tailpipe to assist in the evacuation of the exhaust gases.
It would probably be better to break this down, one lie at a time.
The SPINNER EXHAUST TIP adds a spinner to the end of a car?s exhaust pipe. The spinner will rotate in the exhaust stream. At high engine speeds the spring-loaded spinner is also pushed out of the exhaust tip, giving a visual indication of the revving engine.
Nothing special, just a technique called 'feathering'. If your unfimilar with flying or aircraft, feathering is what you do when you cut power to the propellers and let the aircraft going through the air turn the propellers. The problem with this is that feathered props don't generate trust, rather, they generate drag.
So we add a spring loaded little propeller to the end of your tailpipe. Now you've added an extra source of drag to your tailpipe, which means, theoretically, you're slowing down the flow of exhaust gases. The action of the propellor coming out of the car is caused by a sudden burst of higher velocity exhaust trying to get out, but the propellors are still turning too slow, so rather than accelorate right away, it produces enough drag to push itself back.
For the automotive leyman, think of it as a visual representation of what happens when you have a turbo. When it's running, the turbine is spinning. It goes faster with higher rpms, but when you jam on the gas, there's a bit of lag.
Okay, on to the next snipet.
For a variety of cars with electronic fuel injection engine control, the SPINNER EXHAUST TIP has the beneficial effect to eliminate the initial hesitation of the engine under rapid acceleration.
I almost broke out laughing because of this line. How is it that a feathered prop at the end of your exhaust pipe,
at the absolute end of the automotive cycle, can help any lag in accelloration. If anything, it would hamper your performance by blocking the exhaust, not helping to suck it out. Remember, a feathered propellor causes drag, not thrust.
Furthermore, the exhaust gases emanating from the tailpipe will be uniformly dispersed into the atmosphere.
I swear, this guy is trying to bust my chops. I mean, a propellor causing uniform flow? I guess all us dumb aerospace engineers were all wrong by putting the propellor on the aft end of the wind tunnel.
The only way to create uniform flow is to either compress the air enough to eliminate most turbulance, or to use a wind vane of some sort. So if you're a rice boy who wants uniform flow out the back of your exhaust, go to McDonalds and shove some straws up your tail pipe.
Anything that restricts the flow of air causes turbulance. Wings, no matter how aerodynamic, cause turbulance. Propellors, whether they're powered or feathered, produce massive amounts of turbulance.
In some instances the speed of the vehicle will be sufficient to create a negative presence at the outlet of the exhaust tailpipe to assist in the evacuation of the exhaust gases.
This would occur regardless of having an exhaust spinner, the only thing the exhaust spinner does is raise the pressure difference between the exhaust and the surrounding air.
So, that was the scientific and aerodynamic reason of why not to buy that bling peice of crap. And if you must ask, yes, I am a rocket scientist (Aerospace Engineer).