Best developed place to have a grandfather


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
The sun never sets on the British empire
Following the recent worst developed place for a child to grow up, with obvious biased results I have decided to make my own table, by just turning the question 180 degrees. My table takes into account what your grandfather did during WW2, (seeing how kids love their grandparents). We're still using the same 21 countries from the prior survey.

Was your country neutral/surrendered during WW2, hence your grandfather surrendered during WW2?

Score system:

No = +1
Yes = -1
Neutral = -2
Bad guyes = -50

I've missed out the countries and left them with 0 for history I'm unsure of.

2. UK NO SCORE = 1
3. Canada NO SCORE = 1
4. Finland SCORE = 0
5. Greece SCORE = 0
6. Czech Republic SCORE = 0
7. Portugal SCORE = 0
8. Hungary SCORE = 0
9. The Netherlands YES SCORE = -1
10. NorwayYES SCORE = -1
11. Belgium YES SCORE = -1
12. Denmark YES SCORE = -1
13. Poland YES SCORE = -1
14. France YES SCORE = -1
15. Spain NEUTRAL SCORE = -2
16. Switzerland NEUTRAL SCORE = -2
17. Sweden NEUTRAL SCORE = -2
18. Italy BAD GUYS SCORE = -2
19. Germany BAD GUYS SCORE = -2
20. Austria BAD GUYS SCORE = -2

Resistance forces don't count.
POWs also don't count.
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My grandfather (dads side, mums was only a kid then) fought in North Africa as Sgt during the war, dad has a box filled with his medals so No = +1.
Er both of my Grandads were in the Western front in WW I - and survived! Dad, and several uncles were in WW II, So far no one has shot at me despite growing up in SE. London. The Irish people, generally speaking, were sympathetic to Germany in WW II.
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Not biased? You really don't appreciate our merchant fleet, do you? The fact that we shipped half of the supplies that reached Britain between 1940 and 1943? Henceforth, our merchant fleet saved your asses long before the Americans were forced in?

And I fail to see the fact that most of the countries that surrended still had standing forces in allied countries, Norway, for instance, had some of the best fighter pilots on the British isles. :)

Seriously, Who the fuck is this person? There is no what "TOP GEAR FAN+", or whatever he goes by these days, is human... he's gotta be a bot.
Let me just correct that.

1. USA NO SCORE = +10
2. UK NO SCORE = +10
3. Canada NO SCORE = 1
4. Finland SCORE = +1-1 (Fought against the Ruskies, then against the Ruskies together with Gerry)
5. Greece SCORE = +1 (Fought like hell, and resistance DOES matter.)
6. Czech Republic SCORE = 0 (didn't excist, chopped up)
7. Portugal SCORE = 0
8. Hungary SCORE = 0
9. The Netherlands YES SCORE = +1 (fought like heroes)
10. NorwayYES SCORE = +5 (Without our merchant fleet, you'd gotten very little suplies, and might have lost)
11. Belgium YES SCORE = +1 (fought hard)
12. Denmark YES SCORE = +1 (didn't fight hard, but Denmark's the size of an pancake, was bound to happen. VERY strong resistance)
13. Poland YES SCORE = +2 (MANY Poles fought with the allies, and their resistance was quite extraordinary)
14. France YES SCORE = +1 (Fell cause of poor leadership and poor moral, but extraordinary reistance)
15. Spain NEUTRAL SCORE = -2 (Not too neutral..)
16. Switzerland NEUTRAL SCORE = +1 (Orientated to the allies, did make a differnce ecconomicly)
17. Sweden NEUTRAL SCORE = -5 +1 (Were NOT neutral. Allowed Gerry to transport troops to the attack on Norway, sent jews back into the arms of the Gestapo, sent political refugees back as 'terrorists', didn't turn around until Stalingrad. Great shame. Did allow us to train police troops in Sweden, so that's a plus, and they did send food and resources)
18. Italy BAD GUYS SCORE = -2+1 (fought very poorly, tbh. But joined in later in the war.)
19. Germany BAD GUYS SCORE = -2
20. Austria BAD GUYS SCORE = -2 (didn't excist)
21. Ireland NEUTRAL (BUT REFUELLED GERMAN SUBMARIES -1000) SCORE = -5 (After all, you had repressed them for QUITE a while.)

Resistance forces DOES count.
POWs are another issue.
My grandfather (dads side, mums was only a kid then) fought in North Africa as Sgt during the war, dad has a box filled with his medals so No = +1.

My grandfather (dads side) fought in North Africa as a tank driver under Rommel. His tank got destroyed three times each time him being the only survivor and I bet that earned him some medals as well. -2 pts.

Funny thing this war business. :rolleyes:
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My granddad was in the concentration camps. Sure, that didn't do much for the war effort.

But then again, resistance DID.