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Best smartphone pictures?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
'88 Toyota MR2 NA + '92 Mazda RX7 FD
I've watched the quality of phone-images rise over the last few years, to the point that we were having a discussion at work the other day that we think they're now on the verge of out-performing your average point & shoot. I have to admit to using my phone instead of my P&S now as a portable alternative to lugging my DSLR round with me everywhere. Does anyone on here have any images they've taken on a phone that they're particularly proud of, or a link to some particularly good images? What do you think on this topic?
I'm lazy and don't carry my DSLR with me, except when I'm planning on shooting something with it.
But my phone is always in my pocket and I snap around relatively a lot. Either to document something for me or someone, or 'artsy'
shots that I mostly put on Hipstergram.


Phone is a Sony Xperia P, quite pleased with it.
The sgs3 ?
I used to have a k810i, which had a 3 MP camera, but more importantly, a flash, a proper flash. Now I have a smartphone, it has 5 MP and uses LEDs as a make do flash... I think neither the camera quality nor the flash even compare to the one I had before.

I'll see if I can find any of my old photos I taken with it.
I'm growing ever more impressed with smartphone cameras, still not on par with dSLRs or mirrorless cameras, but they do render a lot of low to mid range compact cameras pointless IMHO. Plus with all the built in camera apps, filters, effects, and editing functions, you can edit, crop and PP photos all in the palm of the hand. That kind of utility is difficult to beat.

Some examples from the SG3

Setting up for my shot by KayOne73, on Flickr

Badwater Basin by KayOne73, on Flickr

Ubehebe Crater Panorama B&W by KayOne73, on Flickr

On the flipside arguement, the two still biggest weaknesses of phone cameras are:

1. poor performance in low light (ridiculously small image sensors)
2. they don't posses real flashes for proper flash photography

Almost all of your best examples of celltography are usually done in decent to good ambient light.
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The 808 is a beast. Someone on the forums got one if I remember correctly.

I'm growing ever more impressed with smartphone cameras, still not on par with dSLRs or mirrorless cameras, but they do render a lot of low to mid range compact cameras pointless IMHO. Plus with all the built in camera apps, filters, effects, and editing functions, you can edit, crop and PP photos all in the palm of the hand. That kind of utility is difficult to beat.

Some examples from the SG3

Agreed. And "holy crap!" in response to your examples. I now completely understand the "bad workman blames his tools" saying, because I could never hope to see results like that from my phone. Or from my DSLR for that matter. :bow:

On the flipside arguement, the two still biggest weaknesses of phone cameras are:

1. poor performance in low light (ridiculously small image sensors)
2. they don't posses real flashes for proper flash photography

Almost all of your best examples of celltography are usually done in decent to good ambient light.

Yeah. My secondary mobile has a flash built in, but it's not up to much to be honest. Does nobody produce a separate flash that could be triggered by mobile phones' camera apps via USB?

Edit: http://www.pixiq.com/article/using-an-external-flash-with-your-iphone Guess not :(
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^and have a single flash drain your battery completely? :p
Yeah. My secondary mobile has a flash built in, but it's not up to much to be honest. Does nobody produce a separate flash that could be triggered by mobile phones' camera apps via USB?

Just use an externally powered flash driven by a slave photo cell off the built-in LED. You can even buy E27 models to screw into bog-standard light fittings.
Just use an externally powered flash driven by a slave photo cell off the built-in LED. You can even buy E27 models to screw into bog-standard light fittings.

I wasn't asking for myself, just kind of wondering. It seemed like something that should exist, but I'd never heard of or seen one, that was all.
Brighton Beach BBQ last night, stunning light and clouds, taken by g/f on iPhone 4S. Made me wish I'd taken the Canon after all.

The 808 is a beast. Someone on the forums got one if I remember correctly.


The replacement for the N808 is due this year (May 14th?), supposed to be a 41MP PureView Nokia Lumia (N1000/EOS?)

The N920 lens is f/2.0, the N820 lens is f/2.2 and N720 is about f/1.9

Nokia sort of messed up the meaning of PureView by using it on phones not as good as the 808 and the new 41MP PureView Nokia Lumia
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I am pretty proud of this postcard-kitsch shot I took at Pismo Beach with my old HD2.

Taken with my HTC One (M7)
Must snap more sunsets before giving any more seagulls to Jonathan Livingstone Grip again.

Also Dins? :cool: