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BIg Ad (another funny commercial) for australian beer!

It makes me eeerr so damn proud to be Aussie :lol:
I actually prefer the other Carlton add they have on where the guy says stuff like "Brewed in big metal things and poured into sideways glass.."
Ha! Loved the ad, such commitment and dedication to teh beer! :thumbsup:

Here's the ad of my favourite beer....Stella Artois...the best beer since 1399 from Leuven, Belgium.

The ad is for some reason in French, but Stella Artois is actually a Flemish beer...in the rest of the world Stella is supposed to be an expensive beer, like the flagship of the Inbev brewery, but here it's just as cheap as any other, wchich is great, because it's just the best ;-) (we are NOT going to argue till you drink one)

edit: these ones are even better
(these are english/dutch)
Is Stella Artois an Interbrew beer? You got a lot of different beers in belgium, especially very strong ones. 8) 8) 8)