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Bigfoot's tracker status

yeah it seems to be down atm
moved to Windows Server 2003, now i remember why i used Linux again.
I'll start using the old linux installation sometime soon under VMWare.
:lol: So the WinServ2003 just couldn't hack it. Go Linux \o/
did some registry tweaking. Can someone inform me if they experience the tracker being way more responsive then before (as in getting less 'connection refused' errors)?
BTW i have the tracker running at port 80 as well now, so connecting to http://bigfoot1942.weedns.com should work.

Edit: no port 80 for the time beeing...
i had it fixed for about an hour after my previous post. But the errors started to return...

ill get Linux back under WMware running the tracker software next thursday evening i think.
Still can't connect.
bigfoot1942 said:
ill get Linux back under WMware running the tracker software next thursday evening i think.
so i'm not getting it fixed before tomorrow evening. I presume you'll all be having trouble until then.

Its only neccesary to inform me if the errors disappear miraculously ;)
Great, thanks for the effort bigfoot! ^_^
got it working pretty easy... Linux under VMware under Windows Server 2003...
Now al i gotta do is close the case (which involves putting the pc on its side) but im too lazy to shut the system down, so lets hope i wont create any bad blocks or corrupt data in the next minutes...
oh and its always weird that no one seems to care as long as the tracker is running, but when its down no-one can stop talking about it.

This thread seems (considering its title) suitable for some "yay its working again"-like comments ;) so please be creative :p