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Bittorrent goes Trackerless!


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
Re: Bittorrent goes Trackerless!

nutty said:

Sounds like a great step foward for bittorrent, it means that anyone can host a torrent without having to have access to any resources

According to other threads, it might be easier to get caught by the big bad wolf with that type of torrents.
trackers display ip address in clear text, its not that hard to catch someone through bittorrent, especially if you are on the torrent yourself.

This just removes another person from the chain, its going to make the distribution of torrents a lot easier, a user now just needs to upload the torrent to a free website (geoceities ect..) and that?s it. There isn?t a way to track it back to the original source, as the file is just "floating" around.

Now it actually requires effort in setting up a tracker, and if its a big torrent site ensuring that the tracker has enough bandwidth to support thousand of requests. Then the tracker normally relates back to the site, making it easy for someone to find out where the .torrents originated from.
Someone offered up a distributed torrent not too long ago...it's around here somewhere, I can't find it atm.

/looks in the sofa cushions...

Nope, nothin :)
Yea, I remember that before actually, but if I understand it right it only worked in Azurues.

So now, we dont need trackers or .torrent files, RIAA and MPAA arent going to like that :\
Well that link you provided says that Bram added "Distibuted Tracker" support for his original BT client. I'm hoping that the next version of ABC will have the built in too, since it uses Shad0w's Core and that uses the original core... :)
Yep, now that the "offical" client supports it, all the other clients will implement it soon
I would think it makes it easier to spoof files too, like put fake one's out there. Since no one is really checking them as they would on an indexing server. It almost makes it like regular P2P imo :thumbsdown:
But the difference is those get "NUKED" rather quickly. :)