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bmw in car GSM phone model?


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
Sydney, Australia.
MY07 Silver Subaru Outback
long shot, anyone know the brand/manfacturer of the in car phones found in some of the higher speced bmw's?.

given most of the ecu/subsystems are bosch, would it be safe to assume its also a bosch unit?

(damm work problems) :p
no, the phone thats built into the control system,

a number of the higher speced bm's offer a sim car holder and integrated phone (non bluetooth)

seems they don't like (my) network. im trying to make them work :p

(i work for a carrier in australia)
asphotos said:
no, the phone thats built into the control system,

a number of the higher speced bm's offer a sim car holder and integrated phone (non bluetooth)

seems they don't like (my) network. im trying to make them work :p

(i work for a carrier in australia)

Maybe it isn't dual-band, and your operator only uses 1800???
nope, all of the aus operators offer dual band (only) none are limited to a single band (as is common in europe, etc etc) a 900Mhz only handset issingle band, but the network is setup to use 900Mhz for signiling and 1800 for traffic.

we also have a 3g network, but thats a different kettle of fish.,

im after the handset type, so we can problem solve it, seems to be a sim card issue (not the size/etc) but the configuration. deeper down, the vendor of the sim card, and its operating voltage (we believe).

ill keep digigng, im sure bmw australia will give me a hard time if I ask (or) more honestly wont know the FFF im talking about.

so, im trying a different approach..

google isnt my frind for this issue. :(
asphotos said:
nope, all of the aus operators offer dual band (only) none are limited to a single band (as is common in europe, etc etc) a 900Mhz only handset issingle band, but the network is setup to use 900Mhz for signiling and 1800 for traffic.

we also have a 3g network, but thats a different kettle of fish.,

im after the handset type, so we can problem solve it, seems to be a sim card issue (not the size/etc) but the configuration. deeper down, the vendor of the sim card, and its operating voltage (we believe).

ill keep digigng, im sure bmw australia will give me a hard time if I ask (or) more honestly wont know the FFF im talking about.

so, im trying a different approach..

google isnt my frind for this issue. :(

Ah, ok. I've already seen a lot of new phones that don't operate with older SIM cards. Ask for a newer card, with the same number (don't know how to call it, here it's 2nd-way).
im the operator, im the engineering manager for the operator, our sims are new, modern, compatable,

seems not so in bmw's. im trying to determine why..

a brand new bmw or a slightly older one

I know around 98 or 99 is when the in car 7 serries phone changed to digital. (motorolla was the manufacturer I think)

www.roadfly.org I've seen many a phone thread in the 7 e38 forum there
asphotos said:
im the operator, im the engineering manager for the operator, our sims are new, modern, compatable,

seems not so in bmw's. im trying to determine why..


Have you tried with any other card? When you can, ask a friend(s) and try it out.

Oh, and I think anywhere around the world, except USA, uses digital...