Boston Legal


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
The sun never sets on the British empire
I don't believe that we have a thread for this show, yet. Quite suprising really :)

A friend of mine made me watch this show with him about 5 years back and I didn't really enjoy it (figure I was too young). But I recently watched the first series and my goodness, this show is great :D

William Shatner and James Spader are freaking amazing actors in this show. Shatner's Denny Crane character really cracks me up :p

Does anyone else watch/watched/is watching this show?
Whats my name?

errr.... Denny Crane?

Say it again!

Denny Crane.



Except for the second half of the final season that was one of the best, funniest, most brilliantly-written show on tpb... err... on TV.

They really started taking themselves too seriously in the final episodes.
Yes, i watched all episodes. Liked it very much. Too sad it's over. Allans argumentation is just awesome... Very nice dialogs. But in the last season it was too political imo... To much bashing... government criticism and barely any "normal" cases. That was not good imo.
I picked up the first 4 seasons on dvd off amazon for $100 late last year. I've told my sister (who's going to school to become a lawyer) that if she ever makes name partner at a firm, I'm totally walking in there one day and doing a "Name on the door".
Boston Legal FTW

I only discovered it after it already ended, but I watch it whenever I can catch re-runs on TV, last episode I saw was the one where Crane was accused of soliciting gay sex in the bathroom... lol
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You hear the one about the fella who died? Went to the Pearly Gates and St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument and says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oooohhh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."

I've only seen the first 2 series, but I do plan to see the rest. Shatner and Spader do have good chemistry.