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Bunny Rabbit Racing (working title)

This project is getting more awesome than ever.
The BunnyCar did some laps this weekend, with bunny ears attached. The ears definitely flop around at speed, if not contained in some way. Still, the Bunny is running strong and well.
I started painting the eyeballs brown, too! It's looking more and more puffalumpy all the time.

Also, the VW Rabbit decals are on, too. Two little bunnies on each side. Hopefully that adhesive sticks.

Also also, I got Freebirds (giant burrito with "Death" sauce). That's unrelated, but noms.
The BunnyCar did some laps this weekend, with bunny ears attached. The ears definitely flop around at speed, if not contained in some way. Still, the Bunny is running strong and well.

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail...wait, what if it's a girl, would it be Petra?

Do the ears make a banging sound on the top of the car as they flop around? that could be a little distracting, or is there so much engine noise you couldn't tell?:lol:
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Hmm, mount the ears to leaf springs, so they bend back in relation to the speed?
The ears make a horrible racket, and I recommend we run with them pinned down so we can more effectively hear exactly how the engine is failing at any given moment.

That will make it look like a MEAN bunny, ready to bite! (real ones do, ask my sister)
I love this leaf spring idea. I thought of cutting out a plywood stand yesterday to prop them up at an angle, but spring-loaded ears? Holy lulz, that's brilliant!

Le Car du deux roues

How could I have forgotten Pepe? However other pictures show it with a huge black and white fluffy tail. Did it 1) fall off, 2) get removed for aerodynamic reasons or 3) get taken off because it was a fireball waiting to happen?
Hmm, mount the ears to leaf springs, so they bend back in relation to the speed?

When you said leaf springs I had visions of the ones in the back of the 3/4 ton pickup truck. They probably weigh more than the Fluffy Bunny does (!)
Ears that go up or down in relationship to speed is a brilliant idea and should be worth some "style points".

And having said that it cracks me up that the Final Gear LeMons team is posting pictures of their engine porn while we're worrying how to have bunny ears that flop appropriately.:bunny:
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And having said that it cracks me up that the Final Gear LeMons team is posting pictures of their engine porn while we're worrying how to have bunny ears that flop appropriately.:bunny:
We don't have any engine porn because our engine runs. There is a bit of leftover engine porn from the last head rebuild (if images of that thing can be called "engine porn"), but it's all on Bo's phone. :cry:
And having said that it cracks me up that the Final Gear LeMons team is posting pictures of their engine porn while we're worrying how to have bunny ears that flop appropriately.:bunny:

I wouldn't call it engine porn. More like what's produced by an old VHS camcorder in the basement of a 100 year old house with a kidnapped 19 year old girl.

We don't have any engine porn because our engine runs.

Now thems fightin' words.
Hey, at least we are currently meeting one of the minimum requirements for entering a race, a car that runs, hopefully for more than five minutes. And really, does anyone want pictures of a non-supercharged, non- turbocharged, air cooled, approx 1700cc vw pancake engine that's 40 years old? I think not.
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Since when as LeMons ever required teams to bring a car that runs? Some never get their cars running, others don't till literally the last 15 minutes of the race.
Wait, wait, wait, you call that running?

I think it's more of a hopping and blocking real cars clogged up behind me kind of motion.

Dude, don't jinx it by calling it "running." :lol:
Well, one of the pictures includes me hovering over the engine reassembling things...

Well, that's a whole different kettle of fish :lol:

There is one advantage to Fluffy if the current snocapalyse continues in Houston, it is a pretty good snow car :)