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Canadian Future


Lazier than Viper
Nov 27, 2003
Quebec, Canada
2007 BMW Z4 3.0 SI
Warning: this is a topic about current political situation in canada, stuff not known by outsiders, therefore if you do post here and you're not canadian, don't be surprised if your post gets deleted.

Ok, so I'm sure you've all seen the Speech to the nation a few minutes ago, what do you think about it?

here's my take on it,

Martin: It was very well worded, it could've actually worked with english Canadians who are sadly a bit less informed about the scandale des commandites. Objections by the opposition proved the weakenesses of his speech, and if you've actually watched the commission d'enqu?te like I did, well you know how it really is... A simple "I don't remember" and you're clear, no more questions asked, it's a real joke

Harper: Well first off I really don't like the guy, I wasn't a fan of his english/french/english thing but well, his speech had some strong points, but it was really more an election speech.. which wasn't very appropriate in my opinion.

Duceppe: Again, strong points against Martin, even better ones than Harper since it was his primary goal, as he's not really going to be the next prime minister of Canada obviously, but he also pointed out lots of stuff which will lead to the following:

Here's what I think that will happen. Harper and the conservatives will get elected, Quebec will isolate itself with a very strong vote for the Bloc, and if the current waves continue, we might just see another referrendum, if the Bloc and PQ can deal with the situation smartly. Although maybe it won't since we're stuck with the PLC (provincial Liberals) for another 2 years.

I do think we need to get rid of Liberals, but I sure as hell don't want those american butt lickers that they call conservatives.

So what's your take on it?
This sponsorship scandal has really eaten away at the liberals, and I don't think the conservatives are going to wait until the end of the year to force an election (or wait for Martin to call for one). As much as I dislike the current government, I wouldn't want to see the conservatives take over.

I didn't see the speeches, just a few clips. The National should be broadcasted here shortly, I'll be watching that.
Where are you from in Canada?

I hear people outside Quebec don't really know about the comission and about what happened
I used to live in Toronto. I'm in Florida now, I'm still a canadian citizen and try to keep up with what's going on.

People don't really know? How's that possible? I mean, Martin had to testify before the Gomery inquiry. Which in and of itself is a big deal. I don't know, maybe they think it just involves Quebec eventhough as Duceppe (I think) mentioned how it is about liberals not quebec, which is spot on correct.

Anyway, I read in some article that 2/3 of canadians don't want an election
Well as you know those commandites were only in Quebec, to promote Canada in the province after the 1995 referendum.

So companies involved are Quebec advertisment companies mostly, as well as the Liberal Party of Canada, but the comission itself is held in Montreal City.
Haven't seen the speech yet because I was working. But from what I've seen on CBC, there's a lot of BS going around and Canadians are still NOT getting all the information they need in order to make a proper decision about this.
What else would you like to get? (don't take this in an arrogant way, I just want to know seriously, because maybe we know more)
This thing has really dragged on for years now. The whole ad campaign idea was stupid in the first place, it's no surprise that corruption would befall it. I can't see how Martin, as finance minister, didn't know about it. Well, I can see it...it means he wasn't doing his job. And Chr?tien, if he was around he'd have gotten the axe. He dodged a bullet by retiring
I'm just hoping the Liberals can hold on to the government long enough to sway public opinion away from the PC. If they get elected, Canada's going to turn in to the Bible belt. And were did Harper get this sudden charisma and quick wittidness (that a word?)? I know Bush has been whispering in this fool's ear. I'd much rather have a lying, cheating Liberal party, than have a lying, cheating, I Love Jesus party.

Vote NDP or BQ.
None of the parties represent me very well, but I'd say NDP represents me the worst. The last thing we need is more tax funded government programs.
Legal pot?


I'm not worried, I don't see the PC getting a majority anyways. If they do win, I wouldn't be surprised if BQ, the NDP, and the Liberals bring them down and force another election very soon after the next one.

Canadian politics kick ass.

I wish the Liberals would go back to their Left-of-centre ways. Martin's a bastard, I'm glad he's getting screwed over this. He was sleeping while the party had their hands in the cookie jar.

Add another party to my approved list, the Marijuana Party :thumbsup:.
Haven't followed the scandal closely, but I sure as well won't vote Conservative or NDP. As far as I know Martin did not profit in any way from this Quebec advertising scheme, so I would give him another chance.
Yes but as a finance minsiter, don't you think that he closed his eyes on this? :?

And the ones who got the money are close friends of the Libaral Party...

But I so don't want conservatives that I'm ready to give them another chance, but if I wasn't in Quebec, I'd vote NDP for sure, man that little guy (forgot his name :oops: ) looks so funny! hahaha

Ultra_Kool_Dude said:
Hey Ren, I'm going way off topic, but why do separatists want to separate?

I think federalists should be shaking in their boots right now. I wouldn't be surprised if another referendum was called and an actual seperation happened this time around.

Also, just wondering why wouldn't you be voting for the BQ? You sound pretty pro-seperation.
Well, he said he would vote NDP if he wasn't in Quebec. So I'd assume he is voting for BQ. I'm leaning towards NDP