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hokiethang said:
Wooptidoop said:
Funny as hell! Try typing Oprah in search, also Jesus and Britney Spears are pretty good.


haha uncyclopedia is good. My favorite is "Kitten Huffing"

awwwwww :wub:
^ :lmao:
Shoot, I've singlehandedly wiped out an entire species. :wicked:
This is just soooo funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Guest is the most prominent person on the Internet, having written more posts than anyone else. On almost every Internet forum he has been credited with making comments, except for forums on which he has been banned. Guest is peculiar in that he has been known to have conversations with himself.

Guest is often said to admire Anonymous for his numerous written works and thus seeks to become the Anonymous of the Internet, as well as Somebody, for having set people up the bomb so many times. However, Guest himself says:

I actually fashion myself as a modern day John Titor.

Guest is renowned for his wide repertoire of languages, though he prefers to write in English and Leet.

Guest is renowned for being virtually untraceable. He is said to have millions of IP addresses and proxies, making him the 1337est haxxor ever, which has led to the rumor that Guest is Bob and subsequently King of the Internet. Additionally, Guest has used his hacker prowess to create personal accounts on nearly every computer running the Windows operating system.

Guest is also well known for having an opinion about everything, as well as sometimes having two differing opinions. These opinions are usually argued by Guest until one of the opinions calls the other a n00b, and the entire issue remains unresolved.
Uncyclopedia is always good for a laugh. The random page is also pretty good. I got one a few days ago that I somehow reached a dictionary. The best entry on the page was "Communist: Anyone who disagrees with a Republican."

It's even better after a few beers :-D
I may just have to waste my afternoon now.

The only way Bruce Lee could get to sleep was to stare at himself in a mirror and try and frighten himself into a faint. Mostly though, his reflection would wet itself and run away screaming.

:lol: :lol:
oh man - that's a good site - I just typed cannon as it was the first word that came to my head - i didn't think it would even come up with anything - but oh contrare - there it is:

The cannon is slang for the male genitalia. In most cases it refers to an over-sized version of the male penis which would be rested on a tripod to fire it's "Torpedo" into the woman's "sea port."
The Vin Diesel article is hilarious!
Vin Diesel is nowadays working on a prequel to "The Fast and The Furious", called "The Hurried and The Annoyed".
Vin Diesel makes his own gasoline by traveling back in time and punching dynosaurs to death then throwing their bodies to where his house would be in several million years. He then refines the oil into gasoline by yelling at it.
Vin Diesel can divide by zero.
Vin Diesel doesn't use Listerine, he sets his mouth on fire.
This one?s for Roman
The PT Cruiser was invented in the late 1990's. Named after famous American President PT Barnum, the car is a testament to his Law of Suckers. Ownership of a PT Cruiser is generally considered an outward sign of poor brain development.