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Clarkson and the Germans


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2004
Ontario, Canada
So, just what gives? Does he hate or love the Germans? Or does he hate Germans but loves their engineering?
I think he just enjoys poking fun of certain cultures and enforcing/confirming the stereotypes and preconceptions of them. It's part of his vulgar character we all like so much.
He just loves to make fun of them, and say that Brits are superior :roll: but he does that with the French and pretty much every other country too so..
Yeah, haha, I remember in one clip he referred that the only time the Italians and Germans got along was in World War 2 and that didn't end very well. I think he was reviewing the.... oh yeah, the Gallardo.
Ehh Hello he's british!! that is all.
No other reason is needed to hate the germans, it's ingrained culture, same as Australians and New Zealanders, Amercians and Canadians, etc..
It think your find that he doesn't actually hate any race of people, just certain culturaly aspects. Such as the American penchant to sue everyone over retarded things.

Infact how could he hate the germans, they invented his most favourite toy!!! :mrgreen:

I think the other reason is he rembers the good old days of british engineering where we used to actually invent and make things and now all we seem to have is call centres and people investing money in the pound... I must admit I do think he has a point. :D

Clarkson is doing another program soon where he is tracing his family roots, it seems that his great, great granddad was a powerful Victorian industrialist with a multimillion fortune which seems to have disapeared. But in the clip he says how proud he is that he shares some blood tie with someone who built amazing things.

I think it just comes down to the fact that he's a patriot and wants to see the "Great" back in Britian.

drakin said:
Ehh Hello he's british!! that is all.
No other reason is needed to hate the germans, it's ingrained culture, same as Australians and New Zealanders, Amercians and Canadians, etc..

The only British that still hate Germans are uneducated yobs! I hate racism.
I don't think that the germans do take JC's comments very offensive :) after all you have to be able to have a good laugh, even if it is about yourself :mrgreen:

greetings from Aachen/Germany :mrgreen:
Everytime we are in the UK we have to run around and say "We are Austrians, we hate Germans as well" :wink:
Nah, it is just something "traditional", but there is no real hate involved anymore. I'm not offended by any of his comments, if it would be a dead serious program, and if he would be a dead serious commentator... but since that's not the fact, I have a good laugh as well :)
Everytime we are in the UK we have to run around and say "We are Austrians, we hate Germans as well"

LOL :lol:
i think JC is just being comically cynical when he talks about other countries and cultures. he targets his cynicism towards all countries (britain included). i think it's james who sometimes shows his british superiority.