OK, most of you are wondering if the BitComet ban will be lifted here, and the answer is no, and it will most likely never be unbanned here.
Most of you think BitComet is "faster" than other clients, but what u don't know is the reason why.
The reason why is because of its countless "cheating like" characteristics, for example:
- it hamers the tracker, and pays no attention to the tracker when it tells the client how long to wait before re-announce.
- when it gets snubed by another peer (basically meaning the peer refuses to give the BC client any upload because it has not been given any download from the BC client, the BC client then disconnects up to 10+ times per second to that client in an attempt to get unsnubed.
- It has no (working) upload slot limit, so it makes the upload bandwith so streached out that each peer only gets a few 100 bytes per second or less.
- The new encrypt header feature in BC 0.60 gave it a very unfair advantage and would basically prefer itself over uploading to other tpyes of clients. (afaik, uTorrent is working on a similar feature, but will be making it public information, so that all other clients can implement it if their authours wish to; this is the only real way for this to be effective)
- If you request too many pieces from it (something around 100? or so), it drops ALL your requests.
- It also abuses super-seeding by disconnecting and reconnecting to get a slot, and basically monopolize the super-seeder's bandwidth.
- It has an abusive multi-tracker implementation (announces to all trackers in all tier always).
- It also does stupid things when making torrents (such as not use UTF-8 as the encoding for chinese, japanese, and korean users that make torrents)
The truth of the matter is, BitComet is faster, because it makes ALL other clients slow by the reasons i listed and more; the whole BitTorrent community would be a lot better off if everyone banned BitComet.
And as a final note, the BitComet developers have known about this issue for months now, and are only now just releaseing BC 0.61 which still does have some very minor DHT leak bugs, and crashes on many systems.