Collecting Data


is teahte tbungafloed
Oct 23, 2007
Cumbria, UK
Fiestas, Mondeos, Anglia, Austin 7, Corsair, Chrys

Bit of an odd question, I admit, but something I have no knowledge of and would appreciate some help.

What I need is the following information from this website.

Dealer Name

The first two are on the main page, and I can obviously copy and paste the lot, then delete the irrelevant data easily enough. However, is there some way I could collect the postcode automatically without having to click on all 654 links and paste them by hand?

Any help would be appreciated!
That should be easy enough with a combination of wget and sed/grep - remind me later when home :)
Thanks narf, would be very much appreciated! Will poke you tonight, if that's okay. :)

It's a shame the list is quite out of date, but it's the best and most comprehensive online. I've contacted Ford UK as well, but I'm very doubtful they'll ever respond.
Copy the list into an excel spreadsheet, then copy a listing of UK post codes into another spreadsheet, and use vlookup in the first spreadsheet to match the town name to the post code?

It's a good idea, but I need full postcodes (down to street level), so town name wouldn't be accurate enough. Besides that, I have a full list of UK postcodes in a spreadsheet, and it's that big Excel can't open it all at once. :lol:
Does this seem right?

Locations are based on some free outcode to lat/lon lookup, so are most certainly inaccurate :)
1962 Main Dealers next to 2014 Dealers.

Interesting to someone, I'm sure. Thanks again narf!
If you throw me that old dataset I can plot it on a map alongside the new one in seconds :) Shameless plug:

Aha, sorry just saw this post. Afraid I'm doing all my mapping in ArcGIS, because I'm a masochist.