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Complaints Complaints Complaints


Active Member
Jun 2, 2005
An open thread to post your gripes.
Whatever it is, post it here, and see if you can find a person that can relate.

My gripe for today is that I am losing my office at work.
I currently sit on the 7th floor overlooking 7th Ave. I can open the windows and get some air and all is good.
Offices are being shuffled and I am going to the thrid floor on the other side of the bldg. I still have a window, but it overlooks an alley over a chinese food joint and the window has bars on it.
People that make a conscious effort to walk to an automatic door thats already open at the department store. Especially if it ended up being a longer walk to get to that 1. It DOES happen :no:
Yay, a place to complain :D

I work part time in a big danish supermarked, I sit at the cash register.
Some customers are just plain stupid, firstly they pick things up and just look at the nearest price and thinks that is the right one, so when they come up to me and it is another price they complain, I call the proper people they tell me the customer is wrong, I tell the customer that and because I'm the only one there they take it out on me :cry:
Then there is the people that think it will all go faster if they put all their things in one big pile one the conveyer (sp?) belt, well it doesn't, that will result in me having to catch the things falling in my lap and on the floor, stop the belt take the nearest things, start the belt, catch things, stop, start, catch, ect :x
i have school to worry about, a junior in high school.
I do tech support for BlackBerry Handhelds. Lets jus say I want to pull them through the phone, tell them they are morons, and that the BlackBerry is not the end of the world. There are more serious situations out there than your BlackBerry not booting. Sorry, kinda have to get that out. It's pissing me off big time because their priorities are so fucked up.

Sorry....blah...Felt better.
My girlfriend's getting her belly button pierced and I hate piercings. This depresses me somewhat. I just hope she's doing it for the right reasons.
Overheat said:
My girlfriend's getting her belly button pierced and I hate piercings. This depresses me somewhat. I just hope she's doing it for the right reasons.

What are "the right reasons"?
My dad calling me four times over the last half hour asking me questions about his insurance deal. Leave me alone ! I just want to enjoy the rest of the evening after working on my term paper the whole day.
Meh Im borke and i need a new hard drive for more muisc porn and games.
I Broke a Tooth Skatebordeing and don't have enuff money to get it fixed.....

And The most fun of my life is talking about how much it sucks on a car fourm...... :cry: :cry: :cry:
patrick10 said:
my roomate... hes a waste of life

I agree, mine is in the living room right now burning through my projector bulb (I should have never replaced the TV), instead of doing such simple things as refilling ice trays (our apartment sucks, it doesn't have an ice maker) or putting the dishes in the freaking dishwasher. grrr...
Well, I'm near broke and it'll be another 3 months at least untill I can continue to build my computer.

I can't affoard to build an Imperial Gaurd army (Warhammer 40k) for the upcoming mega battle.

These idiots (students and teachers alike) expect us people who work at the Media Services to know exactly what it is they want when they walk up to the window, and they want us to do everything for them including oral sex.

If you walk up to the window and say "I need to see a video about airplanes," I have not f***ing idea what you want to see, especially considering that this is an aviation school and I probably have about 2000 video tapes that deal with airplanes in some way. Get the call number your own goddamn self and come back here and let me know what it is that you want.k

The equipment in the class rooms belong to IT, we've said that 5 million times, it still belongs to them, call them up, because I'm not doing their job for them! I work on our equipment, not theirs. Don't know how to use a DVD player? Tough luck, cave boy! Unless it's ours, I don't care!

I still need to take care of my car's starter, still haven't been able to fix everything from when the tire fell apart on the interstate. Want to get a sticky pod, can't affoard one, and can't seem to get anyone to show up for the unofficial rally cross meets, because everyone seems to think that rally is just a bunch of Japanese saloons going sideways through dirt really really fast and think I'm crazy to want to drive a course around the airport on surface roads...

On the good news, I'll be paying my car off in about a month's time :)
I've gained three new pimples in the next week. I swear, nothing's ever fucking worked short of chopping my face off with a katana like in Equilibrium. Naturally, it's been plaguing me since I was 13 (I'm 17), and I'll probably be one of those circus freaks with adult acne well into my 40's, which inevitably means I'll go mad and end up in jail for killing some people with a butcher knife. My dermatologist is a quack. I think I'll pee in his mailbox.

And I don't have a job, and a car, and a girlfriend, and the OC sucks, and all radio DJs should be executed (I want to hear the fucking song, not your incessant ramblings on porn stars and yogurt), and I need a new computer, and all the typical usual angsty teen stuff.

Oh, and Microsoft Excel is being a complete and utter fucking fucktard like usual by not letting me customize my x-axis scale. I've got 17 pieces of data, which are supposed to be in a scale that lies between 1 and 3 seconds. But the chart won't let me change the x-axis scale, so I'm stuck with a scale of 1-17 when I really want 1-3 with decimals. Anybody (vo0d0o, I'm looking at you...) have a way to fix this before I take a baseball bat to my computer Office Space style?
Maybe you should suggest taking Accutane for your acne. I have serious acne, and I'm on Accutane right now and I have no pimples. Maybe you should talk to your dermatologist about getting Accutane.
Z3R0 117 said:
Meh Im borke and i need a new hard drive for more muisc porn and games.
I Broke a Tooth Skatebordeing and don't have enuff money to get it fixed.....
i got my 200 gig for 70 bucks :thumbsup: holds lots of porn

but i have a scrape on both elbows and both knees from skateboarding and they just keep piling up. a scrape never goes away, it just gets replaced with one on top of it. and i broke my cell phone by falling on it skateboarding. and my shitty ccs blank deck is about to break and i just broke a kingpin on my trucks

i also suck at skateboarding

my roomate pisses me off bc he goes to sleep at like 12 everynight and im a late night person. he also doesnt drink so ill come in the room with beer and he will get pissed.

i have 2 papers due in 40 min but i cant get away from finalgear so im only doing 1

i ran out of food and lost my school id

i broke a high e on my acoustic

im a bitch
YF19pilot said:
The equipment in the class rooms belong to IT, we've said that 5 million times, it still belongs to them, call them up, because I'm not doing their job for them! I work on our equipment, not theirs. Don't know how to use a DVD player? Tough luck, cave boy! Unless it's ours, I don't care!

At MY Old School We FIXED every Freaking classrooms VCR,Computer,etc. Our Shop was so slow, I was asked to Fix a PS2....

Lucky Mine had Just Died,so i had spare parts.... :twisted:
I am seriously dislikeing school. Each class itself is NOT hard at all. But with 7 subjects cramming at once its just impossible. Pisses me off when i look at a test and i just know the answer but i don't...

And i'm annoyed how mess up the world is in views of sex and so on.
jayjaya29 said:
Maybe you should suggest taking Accutane for your acne. I have serious acne, and I'm on Accutane right now and I have no pimples. Maybe you should talk to your dermatologist about getting Accutane.
Doesn't that stuff cause depression or suicide, or is that just an urban myth? Judging by my posts that'd be unhealthy.
Olds442 said:
Overheat said:
My girlfriend's getting her belly button pierced and I hate piercings. This depresses me somewhat. I just hope she's doing it for the right reasons.

What are "the right reasons"?

The right reasons being that she actually wants it rather than peer pressure, I just feel she might be falling under the influence of friends as they're all going to get piercings and tattoos together. The thought of it all makes me feel sick.