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Cool Wall Fridge Magnets


Active Member
Jul 21, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden
Audi A8
There was a very cool free give-away in the September issue of Top Gear magazine:

Cool Wall Fridge Magnets!!!


Along with a hilarious step-by-step guide, the pack includes the "Seriously Uncool", "Uncool", "Cool" and "Sub-Zero" headers as well as 63 individual car magnets complete with pictures and model names. They've also included photos of the three presenters which, according to the instructions, you "put in the position on the wall that you think best reflects each presenter's performance that evening."

Click on the thumbnail scans below for more details:

http://img111.imageshack.**/img111/1042/coolwall6fp.th.jpg http://img111.imageshack.**/img111/8510/cwinstruct13gd.th.jpg http://img111.imageshack.**/img111/4295/cwinstruct25ra.th.jpg

So, together with the "I am the Stig" t-shirt, I guess everyone has a real good reason to subscribe to Top Gear magazine now! My only problem is I have a built-in "fitted" fridge, so I can't use the magnets until I move house or get a new fridge...maybe they'll appear on eBay soon.

I want the cool wall fridge magnets!! :woot:
LOL Clarkson is cooler than Hammond :lol:
I want I want I want

rofl @ question 2 - 'How will I know it's a fridge?'

:think: I wonder if the insert will survive the trip to Australia...(guess who's going to loiter at the newsagent for this issue to arrive)
SL65AMG~V12~604BHP!!!!!!! said:
LOL Clarkson is cooler than Hammond :lol:
Yeah, I think that if I ever find a metal surface, JC will go in the Sub-Zero category, James May will be in the Cool category and Richard Hammond in the Uncool.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Little Richard (aka Little Dick) but his style is the most straight-forward and no-nonsense of the presenters. James May has this fantastic, understated arrogance and wit which, when it shines through (like the French peasant comment in the Russian roulette road tests), absolutely cracks me up.

My 2p.
*sharp intake of breath as E~I The May Defendor withdraws her sabre*

Just who do I go and duff up at TG mag for putting Monsieur May dangerously close to the seriously uncool end of the fridge?

AFAIK, the T-Shirt comes comes only when subscribing in the UK... Elsewhere you can't have it. And it woul be 75 pounds per year in Germany, which is like 120 Euros... A bit steep...
A friend of my GF is moving to London soon, so maybe I can work something out...

KryptonZone said:
Wait a second, is this THIS issue of Top Gear? Which is the September? Are they already on sale? :unsure:
I'm a subscriber and the September 2005 issue came through my letterbox today. I don't know if they're on sale yet. As with fashion mags and the like I suppose they just pre-date it to seem more up-to-date. Annoying, I agree.

Anyhoo, don't know if this is THIS issue or not. This is how it looks (ish):


There's a pink Japanese-style rising sun on the cover and three cut-out Japanese cars: Mazda MX-5, Lexus IS250 and Civic Type-RR.

I hope that helps.
Great! I live in Belgium and there's a Waterstones downtown. I have to go there anyways so I'll go pick one up tomorrow :D WEEEE! Thanks SOOOO much for informing us! I'm so desperate to take a subscription of TG for the shirt but its way too much and I miss UK by a stupid land-mass called France and the Channel... :yucky:
Are you in Brussels? If so, I know the Waterstones you mean - the one on Adolphe Max? It used to be a WH Smith before they closed down their foreign stores. Well, good luck on your mission. It's a great issue BTW.
KryptonZone said:
To be honest I hate Brussels, but the only good thing is Waterstones, well one of the few anyways. I spend so much money and time in there every month :D

Well, the Grand Eldorado cinema, the fnac and all those frites places around Gr?nd Place aren't half bad...oh and I love a good bloody steak at Chez George.

But, I gotta say, London is better!

La fnac is just the best chain of stores in the world *sigh* Boulevard Des Italiens in Paris is the best of them IMO.

Anyway, yes, TG Mag is in shops now cos I've just picked up a copy. And it always seems to be sent to shops rounbd here days after everywhere else gets it. :(
Frites... Steak... BEER... Yeah that's the good part of Brussels. But it's so dull... I think even Mr James May's shirts are more interesting... fnac is good but it's actually not too cheap these days... well here anyways. Oh well... Wait for me Fridge Magnets! I'm-a-coming tomorrow! ;)
Yay, I've completed my cool wall!!! The fridge is happy too, cos it got a good clean before assembly started. :mrgreen:
Post a pic of how you've arranged your Cool Wall (TM) - I'm not expecting any surprises as far as Mr. May's position is concerned though ...
