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Counter-Strike Movie Deal Inked


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
Hollywood, CA - Following other successful movies based on computer games like Mortal Kombat and Double Dragon, Sony Pictures Entertainment will produce Counter-Strike: Movie. Based on the popular Counter-Strike multiplayer mod from Valve, the movie is guaranteed to be "a rollercoaster ride of thrilling action and witty banter."

At the helm of the picture will be German filmmaker Uwe Boll. Currently, the king of game-to-movie conversions is taking time off from producing Bloodrayne and Hunter:The Reckoning to work on the script.

"When I picked up the project, I sat down and played the game to get in touch with its soul," the director explained. "Trust me, this is going to be the most honest, true conversion ever. Everything you love about the game will be in there. The action, the group dynamics, the excitement."

Boll continued, "I want to guarantee the fans of the game that there will absolutely, positively be no campers in the movie. Ok, one guy will be really defensive, but that's because it's his job, not because he's camping."

The movie will focus on an international SWAT team assembled to stop a group of terrorists. However, before successfully foiling a bombing, the group must first face the internal challenges that threaten to tear it apart: The loudmouth beginner struggling for acceptance, the Team Killer who must face the consequences of a fatal accident, and the insecure wonder-kid accused of being gay.

Casting has not started for the project yet, but Ben Affleck and Colin Farrell, both avid fans of the game, have expressed interest in the project. However, the studio is leaning towards using animatronic animals in favor of human actors.

"The terrorism issue is still rather sensitive in America," said one studio executive who wished to remain anonymous. "Killing an animatronic goat is much more palatable to the American public.
Haha, Uwe Boll. The movie will suck, just like House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark.
Unless halfway through the movie ben affleck turns to colin farrell and calls him a HAXOR OMG FU<KING NOOB!! after colin shoots a terrorist through a wall, then it will be nothing like the game.
Where's the kick ban vote :lol:
audience votes to kick actor colin farrell y/n ?
Following other successful movies based on computer games like Mortal Kombat and Double Dragon

WTF? :lmao:

Right. I suppose Counter Strike will be another one in this within the next ten years.
I hate Uwe Boll. :? I can't decide who I hate more though: Uwe Boll or the Halo-generation of video game players that are willing to go and see the steaming piles of cow dung he tries to pass off as movies. :x
AutoMX said:
I don't know how many of you think this is real? Don't you read the news? :bangin:
It may just be a rumour, but I really wouldn't be suprised if Uwe Boll was actually doing this. The guy already has the movie rights to Bloodrayne, FarCry and Hunter: The Reckoning. Looking at how House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark turned out, it's pretty obvious that these movies will be horrible as well.

Us older video game players have already been subjected to the horrible Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Tomb Raider movies - I think Uwe Boll has dedicated himself to creating god-awful movies for the new generation of gamers. :x
all I know is that CS is not happening 100% for sure. valve confirmed it, and they own CS.