To me, buying an ex cop car is like buying a used city bus or a pair of pants. It's a tool, not a car to somebody and the odds it was treated well outside of any regular maintenance is low.
Umm, that Capri seems way under priced, no? I kind of dig the chevy wagon but it's a little high of a price for me.
Dig both of them. I'd change the wheels on the '55, source some better looking valve covers (Is there such a thing for center bolt?) and maybe have the seats changed back to original on the Capri.
Eh, not really. Capris are always seen as a bit of a redheaded step child.
What are the seats from?
Capris were always the red headed step child due to the damn name. We called them the crappies back in the day.
€6900?!??? I know it's going to have some premium, but that's a $4k car on a good day lol.
Still, paying nearly $8k US for a Fox body hurts. I could get abrokennice Alfa for that!
This is 'UROPE - sadly I've barely seen a manual foxbody here in two years for less than 10k (only once iirc, in .ch). It's not even a facelift and has faded paint... but hey, what can you do. Most here are convertibles, 2.3 liter, 90 hp, automatic... and people still want 8k for them.
Actually, last year I found a manual one for 5k, but it was a 2.3 litre, which probably explains the price. It seemed to be in nice condition, though. Here's a link to the now-defunct ad.
Love the t-top, 5-speed and the fact it's an '86. The color and price are not to love, however.