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Someone Else's Problem: Die Barge von Barking: 2000 Audi S6, or: Can't hear you, my exhausts are so loud!

Can i chime in here? Front rotors: ?400 a pop. Plus labor. :wheelchair:

Regarding the tailgate, i'd keep a lookout for them at scrapyards and just swap it out of you come across one.
I am reasonably ok with my front rotor prices.. 250 a pop OEM, but I got ATE last time for 170ish each. Probably have to get another set soon..
During the France Roadtrip every participating car including my Barkwagon had no problem whatsoever, which was truly great.

Only a few days after I came home I could hear a faint whining from the steering servo, clear indication that some servo oil was needed. So, went to the local Audi garage and asked for a fillup (it usually takes only a tiny bit every few months) and while the friendly mechanic went inside to get the correct servo oil I opened the hood... and saw some rising smoke! Yikes!

But the lack of a burning smell made it immediately clear that it was steam. Phew! As it turned out pink cooling water somehow got out and about and had simply evaporated on the side of the engine. The cooling tank itself was still over the minimum mark, so nothing dramatic. - And after taking off the air duct we already found he culprit:


That plastic clamp got somehow loose. - The mechanic stuffed the hose back in and replaced the clamp with a more sturdy metal one and all was well again. - Was quite a easy fix and it's holding fine since. :)
Call that a coolant leak? I'll show you a coolant leak! :p

That OAT coolant does make a mess though, kind of odd.
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^ Yeah granted, I know I can't beat your Disco collection in that regard. I mean, you're already up there in the pro league just with Bugsy alone. :lol:
^ Yeah granted, I know I can't beat your Disco collection in that regard. I mean, you're already up there in the pro league just with Bugsy alone. :lol:

The more I think about that the more I realise how lucky I was that one of the officials didn't notice that I had dropped coolant on the floor around the track entrance or I suspect I could've been on for a fine. :-o
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Well hello. Long me no see. Time flies and all that, as usual. Anyway, update time:

So then, have I replaced the S6? - Nope. - As I use the car almost daily the addictive V8 bark sound alone has successfully prevented me from going for anything else so far. To the contrary, I actually took a big step back from my bangernomics ways and gave the car an overhaul:

For example gone is the rusty rear hatch, replaced by this clean piece:

Badge mismatch now, but hey who cares?

The car also got treated with new suspension/control arms all around.
So there we are: With it's lifetime elongated the S6 will be further on my compagnion, currently at 18 years old and 250'000km on the clock.

Happy driving. BRAAA-PPP-PPP!
Greetings, lip
Perfect timing! The 2018 roadtrip starts in just under a month. Wanna come with? :D
That's great news, looks tidy on those pictures!
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are you coming to ringmeet, so i can see the s6 :eek:
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Honestly, the environment is going down the toilet and even I'm buying into economical cars yet you're still driving around daily in a wonderful, fuel guzzling, barking monster? You should be ashamed. :p

Great to see it again, looking fantastic.
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^ Matt2000, as long as people as bonkers as you are still allowed to roam free and buy cars that are so far off the normality charts I don't think the world's going down. First it's a bunch of 4x4s that are capable of crossing the Tundra or the Sahara while you actually life on a (somewhat) civilised island somewhere north of Europe, and now you just bought a plastic go-kart which as much practicability as a pair of shoes that are two sizes too small. :lol:

^^ Sorry guys, about the roadtrip/ringmeet, I already have other plans this year. Some other time. :)
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Glad to see you're not only keeping it alive, but also making it better. :thumbsup:
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So happy you're keeping the car!
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Ah crap! I had an accident!

...I made a roll-backwards-until-you-feel-resistance dent into one of the two most important parts of my car. :lol:

Eh, It's just pride and cosmetics. Still looks....

...and sounds the same ;) :
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Oh No-ise! You see, I think you have affected the performance. In that video you only overtook a 2CV and a Fiesta that was stopping, it's like you picked slow targets to prove that it still has power. You even had to wait for the coach to come down so you could take a run up at the next hill. :p
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^ So glad that there are still experts like yourself on this forum who are capable of dishing the truth straight out. - Thanks for the intervention, I will be a more honest person from now on. :p
For those who like the addictive bark noise as much as I do, here are some more short videos. As ever, turn the volume up and use a system/headphone that has some bass. :cool:

Part 1 - This one has tunnels (though the first one doesn't count with that 30kph speed limit because of the 90 degree killer corner, the following tunnels however...)
Part 2 - Getting rid of that Alfa and then gunning it some more, just because
I mean, how can I ever sell this car? Seems impossible by now, it's just too much fun. Granted it's a old heavy tank that eats tires, brakes, oil and petrol at an alarming pace, but still: It's roomy, practical, it's a V8 screamer and it makes me smile when I drive it, every day, every moment. - You can't beat that.

Yes, I love this thing. - So much that I'm actually gonna shove it through the rigid swiss MOT inspection next month. - Wish me luck!
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I felt that way when I got my mustang in 2013. Give it time. :)
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^ Deep down I know you're right, of course. That dark day, when there will be suddenly more oil under the car than in it, will come. No doubt. - But hey, you kept the Mustang for 5 years, I'm only in year 2. ;)