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Disapearing posts


Active Member
Dec 9, 2004
Leeds, UK
Noticed that several of my posts have disapeared; a glitch or have I been given the finger?


where? when?

That's very weird. :? Only noticed that with YOUR posts? no other posts in this (or those) threads dissapeared?
Hmm, that's odd, Mods/Admins don't usually delete posts, just lock 'em. Can you tell me where the posts were? Like the sections I mean, are you sure they weren't moved because they weren't in the correct section? :)
Yeah are you talking about posts or whole topics?

I don't even remember your username :?
No I made a handful of comments to a few posts (RX8 and 1/4 mile time for example) and then came back later to see if there had been a reply and my posts had gone.

Must have been a glitch in the matrix!


That sounds VERY weird.. could you give us a link to those threads? do you remember if other posts disapeared? (like someone else's post in that same thread)
^ Yeah, and it's not that we don't believe you, we just want to get it figured out, so it doesn't happen again :)
Maybe it was lost when we changed domain servers?